Getting Started With Alloy - BeardedManStudios/ForgeNetworkingRemastered GitHub Wiki

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Forge Networking 3.0 (code name "Alloy") is a completely new codebase for Forge and so it is going to be quite new for both new and returning developers. The library is currently part of the develop branch on GitHub and can be found in the ForgeAlloy folder. If you are developing in Unity, you'll want to open the ForgeAlloyUnity project.


There are a few examples already built into the Unity project for you to check out in the Assets/Examples folder. Below are the things you should do in order to test and build an example:

  1. Open the MultiplayerMenu scene
  2. Click on ForgeMain in the hierarchy
  3. In the inspector, change Scene To Load to be the name of the example scene you wish to load

Note: You can find the example scene in the target example folder inside the Scenes folder, eg: Examples/Chat/Scenes/Chat.unity


This page is currently being filled out, please check back soon for more information.

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