5. Playtesting - Baerutt/QuakeMapOne GitHub Wiki

Week 3 - (10/15/2022)

This week, others playtested my level and took a survey. In the survey, people thought the concept was good, but ask for several different things to be fixed and for the level to be changed a bit.

Some things I took notice of were that

  • There wasn't much verticality of the level
  • The Stairs were too hard to climb successfully
  • People wanted to climb on the pillars
  • The Stairs were hard to find

Therefore, I decided to change things in this update of the game

Week 4 - (10/22/2022)

This week, we playtested my level again and there was another survey sent. Here are some improvements and deficits of the game

After I changed the layout slightly, people felt it was easier to get around with. However, that could be bias, because the same people playtested the level.

People said that the enjoyment of the level went down. Despite me putting on climbable pillars and putting the pickups on there, they were not the easiest to climb up. That was the biggest reason for the enjoyment

In both surveys, other players couldn't find each other easily.

Therefore, the next iteration is my attempts to fix these issues as well as add texturing and lighting

  • Changed pillar structure make it easier to climb on pillars while still maintaining some cover
  • shrank map so players can find each other better

Week 5 (10/29/2022)

This week we had one more final playtest for the level. The changes worked well overall. There are a couple of lighting issues I need to fix, but other than that the textures and final iteration of the map sat well with the playtesters (for the most part).

Here is some data to show what has been improved since the beginning of the map:

Most things in the map were improved on. However, there was a slight decrease in spawning in safe spots. That is because I shrunk the map because many of the players complained they could not find each other. The consequence was that the spawns were a bit less safe for players.

Having the maps revolve around central rooms made the map much easier to navigate and gave players a central landmark. I added one or two more additional landmarks, which made it easier to travers. In addition, once textures were added, the map became more recognizable on where you were based on textures.

In the first iteration, pickups were lying around, but when I toppled the pillars, I put the pickups on those pillars. That allowed for an easy pattern of where pickups were and it geographically made sense for the players to get their loot. This unintended effect boosted the enjoyability and diversity of the map.