4. Greyboxing - Baerutt/QuakeMapOne GitHub Wiki

Week 2 (10/9/2022)

As it turns out, my map turned out much differently than before. I didn't 1 for 1 the metrics of the top down map for the final prototype, but I felt confident that the almost similarity was good enough. As I walked through my level, I realized that the height was a bit big and the stairs took too long to reach the bottom floor. However, I wanted the height for the bottom floor to stay the way it was. Therefore, I decided to make the edges of the second floor have a smaller ceiling, and as you move closer to the center, the second floor's height becomes what the original intended height was. It also creates a cool effect found in many video games when you go from an open area, to a closed area and back to an open area, which works out well.

Once I finished the room metrics, I placed pillars in the room. As I was placing them, I realized my original had way too much cover (and this version might have that as well). Therefore, I decided to only use pillars, walls and fallen pillars for cover, as the bobbing and weaving through pillars provides cover and a unique playstyle.

Although the map changed quite a bit, the concept of it never changed. There are starting rooms and there is a big room in the center the get the "Master Items" of the floors. I believe the map is so far good, but I need people to play test it to make sure that the map is as good as it seems.

Week 3 (10/15/2022)

After playtesting the game and getting feedback, I changed several things in the level to match the requests of playtesters

-Most pillars are climbable

-more Fallen pillars were added to reduce sight lines and add cover

-Railings were added and stairs color was changed to help players find the stairs

-Floor color of the basement was altered to help people recognize holes

-many gaps in the floor were fixed so players wouldn't accidentally fall through

-Put many pickups on pillars to encourage players to climb objects