3. Metrics - Baerutt/QuakeMapOne GitHub Wiki

Week 2 (10/9/2022)

The metrics for the map were simple. I started in a hallway and said, "How long do I want it to take players to get from one side of the map to the other" The answer was about 20 seconds. I used the player model to run through the first room I build, and after that happened, I ran through the whole level. Once it took 20 seconds to get from one side of the map to the other, I was good.

For specifics:

The player jumps 2 quake units at most

The map is 4112 quake units x 3248 quake units x 960 quake units

Hallways are at minimum 256 quake units wide, although this is rare. Cover minimizes the minimum distance to 128 quake units at times