1. Overview and Theme - Baerutt/QuakeMapOne GitHub Wiki

Week 1 (10/1/2022)

At first I wanted to build a beach map with the inspiration of Summer Scramble for Fire Emblem Awakening, but there weren't any texture packs I could find that had things for that.

I looked through different textures and though it might be cool to create a pyramid themed Quake multiplayer map. With the premise that you must fight to the death and the last one alive gets to leave, a dusty old pyramid could be fun to build around.

I learned from an Art History class last year that Pyramids are secret vaults for ancient treasures. There's only one real path towards the treasure and the other various holes in it are traps. Therefore, those wanting to rob one would end up lost or dead. That's the main reason why I think it could be a cool concept for a death match.

I Put a bunch of small traps in the room and put a bonus item somewhere that is hard to get

The only "problem" is that pyramids have a lot of one ways and dead ends, so instead I'll have to use other means to make it feel that way, but still give players options on movement through the map.