Task Windows - BaToJo/GitHubFeatureTest GitHub Wiki

What is it?

A Task Window is a specific arrangement of tools and information designed to make it easy to perform a particular task. Task Windows can either be a single window or can be split into multiple sub-windows.

Animation showing changing task windows

By default, you can select Task Windows from a row of Task Window titles list at the top of the AAA main window.

Task Window list

If you can't find the row of Task Window titles, it might not be present on the current Task Window! To add one, open the Task Window designer and right-click the menu bar, then select Show Setups, or if a menu bar is also absent you can create one (New Bar -> Menu).

What can it do?

Task Windows contain tools and information displays for observing and interacting with recordings and creating your own recordings. AAA consists of a suite of individual tools and displays which can be arranged into one or more sub-windows and moved, scaled and otherwise customised according to your preferences. The arrangement of tools and displays within a Task Window does not affect their functionality: each element visible can be interacted with individually.

To keep your workspace uncluttered and help recording subjects see information intended for them, most Task Windows provided with AAA only include a small subset of the available tools and displays. You can find other tools and displays on other Task Windows, or you can add anything you need into a Task Window of your own.

How can I find it?

Several Task Windows are provided by default with a new installation of AAA, which you can select from a row of Task Window titles at the top of the AAA main window. You can freely edit these, create new ones, and move individual Task Window setups around as files on your computer. For info on how to edit and create Task Windows, please read this page about the Task Window designer.