Settings.AccelVoltage |
Settings.SampleTilt |
Settings.SampleAzimuthal |
Settings.CameraElevation |
Settings.CameraAzimuthal |
Settings.AngFilePath |
Settings.GrainFilePath |
Settings.CustomFilePath |
Settings.FirstImagePath |
Settings.OutputPath |
Settings.DoUsePCFile |
Switch to register if there is a file with pattern center info for each point |
Settings.PCFilePath |
Settings.DoParallel |
Number of cores to use in parallel processing pool. 1 turns off parallel processing. |
Settings.DoShowPlot |
Switch for showing ROI shifts for each pattern. Only works for non-parallel processing. |
Settings.Material |
Settings.ScanType |
Square or Hexagonal scan |
Settings.ROISizePercent |
Size of ROI relative to EBSP |
Settings.NumROIs |
Number of ROIs |
Settings.ROIStyle |
Method of selecting ROIs (grid, radial, or intensity base selection) |
Settings.ROIFilter |
1x4 numeric vector: [lower radius (pixels), upper radius, smooth lower radius filter switch, smooth upper radius filter switch]. Used in CalcF.m for error function filter. Filtered by custffx.m. If smooth switches are off, it cuts out high and low frequencies in FFT space; if switches are on it smooths the interface at the cut-offs. |
Settings.ImageFilter |
Same as ROIFilter, but for entire image. Called in GetDefGradientTensor.m to ReadEBSDImage.m to custimfilt.m. |
Settings.HROIMMethod |
Switch for real or simulated pattern method |
Settings.IterationLimit |
Number of iteration for simulated pattern convergence. |
Settings.FCalcMethod |
Uses either Wilkinson Ultramicroscopy 2006 paper method (in sample or crystal frame) or Landon, Kacher Ultramicroscopy 2009 paper method (in sample or crystal frame) for calculating deformation gradient from ROI shifts. |
Settings.GrainRefImageType |
Method for selecting reference image in each grain for real image method (e.g. IQ gets highest weight). |
Settings.KernelAvgMisoPath |
Path for KAM file if this is used to find best position for reference pattern in grain ***(check) |
Settings.StandardDeviation |
Standard deviation of ROI shifts beyond which ROIs with this size shift rejected |
Settings.DoPCStrainMin |
Switch to find pattern center using strain minimzation |
Settings.largefftmeth |
Not currently used*** |
Settings.PixelSize |
Number of pixels in image (currently any image is cropped to be square) |
Settings.ROISize |
Number of pixels in ROI (square) |
Settings.LImageNamesList |
Image names list when L-grid is being used |
Settings.Angles |
Original Euler angles for each point from scan file (.ang or .ctf file) |
Settings.XData |
X position for each scan point from scan file |
Settings.YData |
Y position for each scan point from scan file |
Settings.IQ |
Image quality for each scan point point from scan file |
Settings.CI |
Confidence index for each scan point from scan file |
Settings.Fit |
Fit for each scan point from scan file |
Settings.ImageNamesList |
Cell with path/filename for the image associated with each scan point |
Settings.RefImageNames |
Cell with path/filename for the reference image associated with each scan point (e.g. this will be the same image for all points in a grain) |
Settings.Phi1Ref |
First euler angle for reference pattern associated with each scan point |
Settings.PHIRef |
Second euler angle for reference pattern associated with each scan point |
Settings.Phi2Ref |
Third euler angle for reference pattern associated with each scan point |
Settings.grainID |
Grain number for each scan point. Assigned by grain file or findgrains.m |
Settings.XStar |
Pattern center x-value for each point in the scan |
Settings.YStar |
Pattern center y-value for each point in the scan |
Settings.ZStar |
Pattern center z-value for each point in the scan |
Settings.g |
Adjusted rotation matrix for each scan point (for real patterns it is the orientation of the reference pattern for that grain adjusted by the relative rotation from the reference) |
Settings.F |
Deformation gradient tensor between reference and scan point for real pattern approach, or absolute deformation for simulated pattern approach (in crystal frame). (L-Scans only) |
Settings.Fa |
Deformation gradient tensor between scan point and selected neighbor in x-direction (in crystal frame) (L-Scans only) |
Settings.Fc |
Deformation gradient tensor between scan point and selected neighbor in y-direction (in crystal frame) (L-Scans only) |
Settings.U |
Strain tensor for each point (obtained from polar decomposition of F) - either relative to reference point (real pattern method) or absolute (simulated pattern). (L-Scans only) |
Settings.Ua |
Relative strain tensor between scan point and selected neighbor in x-direction (L-Scans only) |
Settings.Uc |
Relative strain tensor between scan point and selected neighbor in y-direction (L-Scans only) |
Settings.SSE |
'Sum-squared error' of ROI shifts between reference and scan pattern |
Settings.SSEa |
'Sum-squared error' of ROI shifts between neighboring reference pattern in x direction and scan pattern (L-Scans only) |
Settings.SSEc |
'Sum-squared error' of ROI shifts between neightboring reference pattern in y direction and scan pattern (L-Scans only) |
Settings.NewAngles |
Euler angles for Settings.g |
Settings.AverageSSE |
Average of all SSE values | |
See variables below |
Settings.roixc |
Center of ROIs in x direction |
Settings.roiyc |
Center of ROIs in y direction | |
Number of points in the X direction | |
Number of points in the Y direction | |
Same as Settings.IQ | |
Same as Settings.SSE | |
Same as Settings.SSE (L-Scans only) | |
Same as Settings.SEE(L-Scans only) | |
Deformation gradient tensor between reference and scan point for real pattern approach, or absolute deformation for simulated pattern approach | |
See Settings.Fa (L-Scans only) | |
See Settings.Fc (L-Scans only) | |
Same as Settings.NewAngles | |
Same as but individual Euler angles | |
Same as but individual Euler angles | |
Same as but individual Euler angles | |
Same as Settings.XData | |
Same as Settings.YData |