Installing and Configuring EMsoft - BYU-MicrostructureOfMaterials/OpenXY GitHub Wiki

What is EMsoft?

  • Click here to read a brief description of its functionality with OpenXY.

Setup Instructions

  1. Download EMsoft latest OSX build from (pick the latest date)
  2. Unpack rar or unzip
  3. For Mac, run dmg file (or move .app to the Applications directory). Go to finder and right click to show contents of app. Open terminal window and go to the bin folder under the app contents
  4. For Windows, copy the file named ‘tbb.dll’ into the folder named ‘bin’
  5. Run EMsoftinit
  6. Go to /Users/yourname/.config/EMsoft (type command/shift/g to go to hidden folders), and edit the EMsoftConfig.json file, by adding the correct path names to different folders (note – this probably means that we do not need to add the EMsoft bin directory to the path of the mac)

Example .json file: For Mac { "EMsoftpathname": "/Applications/", "EMXtalFolderpathname": "/Users/fullwood/Documents/EMsoft/EMdata/XtalFolder/", "EMdatapathname": "/Users/fullwood/Documents/EMsoft/EMdata/", "EMtmppathname": "/Users/fullwood/.config/EMsoft/tmp/", "EMsoftLibraryLocation": "/Users/fullwood/", "Release": "No", "Develop": "No", "UserName": "fullwood", "UserEmail": "[email protected]", "UserLocation": "Brigham Young University" }

For Windows (saving EMsoft software into Documents) { "EMsoftpathname": "C:\Users\fullwood\Documents\EMsoft", "EMXtalFolderpathname": "C:\Users\fullwood\Documents\EMsoft\EMPlay\XtalFolder", "EMdatapathname": "C:\Users\fullwood\Documents\EMsoft\EMPlay", "EMtmppathname": "C:\Users\fullwood.config\EMsoft\tmp", "EMsoftLibraryLocation": "C:\Users\fullwood\Documents\EMsoft\bin", "Release": "No", "Develop": "No", "UserName": "fullwood", "UserEmail": "[email protected]", "UserLocation": "Brigham Young University" }

  1. Follow instructions in the Wiki to set up the xtal file for your material, and put it in the EMXtalFolderpathname, as per the .json file (the old .xtal files seem to work fine)
  2. Run EMMCOpenCL -t to setup template for .nml file If this does not work (as assumed for all template files below), get the template from the app Contents/bin/NamelistTemplates folder (EMMCOpenCL.template); do not use the old templates in the Contents/examples folder!!
  3. Run EMMCOpen on the nml file that you set up (e.g. EMMCOpenCL Si_EMMC.nml) to get the .h5 Monte Carlo file (e.g. Si_MCoutput.h5)
  4. Copy BetheParameters.template from /NamelistTemplates to the EMdata folder and rename to .nml
  5. Copy EMEBSDmaster.template to EMdata folder; change extension to .nml and put the correct .h5 file target in.
  6. Run EMEBSDmaster EMEBSDmaster.nml from terminal
  7. Copy EMEBSD.template to EMdata folder; change extension to .nml; add the correct .h5 target file and setup the Euler angles file, and give the correct file name for this in the .nml file
  8. Run EBSD on the EBSD nml file.