Service reports - BU-ISCIII/BU-ISCIII GitHub Wiki

Service reports

Once a service has been complete, a report has to be generated both for the receiver and for our records. Follow the next steps to create a standarised report:

  1. Move to the service folder in bioinfo_doc and create a new folder inside the result folder named YYYYMMDD_entregaXX, where YYYYMMDD is the date and XX is the number od the resolution.

  2. Move into this new folder and copy the following files:

cp /processing_Data/bioinfo_doc/services/2020/SRVIIER215_20200211_TRIO145_bmartinezd_S/result/20200708_entrega02/lablog ./
cp /processing_Data/bioinfo_doc/services/2020/SRVIIER215_20200211_TRIO145_bmartinezd_S/result/20200708_entrega02/service_data_template.json.txt ./
  1. (Optional) Copy also the pipeline report and/or the email if there is anything there to keep (in case of the example folder, this file is Entrega02_email.pdf).
  2. Inside lablog, change the sarvice code and optional pdf name if used.
  3. Introduce the right metadata of the service in service_data_template.json.txt
  4. Run the lablog:
bash lablog
  1. Once the files are ready to be delivered, create a tree file to have a log of all the files delivered:
tree /processing_Data/bioinformatics/sftp/<sftpfolder>/<serviceID> > <entregaID>.tree

Example: /processing_Data/bioinfo_doc/services/2020/SRVIIER215_20200211_TRIO145_bmartinezd_S/result/20200708_entrega02

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