GeometryServiceNetworkProtocol - BRL-CAD/brlcad-docs GitHub Wiki

category:Geometry Service category:GSNet Protocol


The Geometry Service Network (GSNet) Protocol is a TCP/IP based protocol designed to facilitate socketed communications between Geometry Service Nodes on a network. A Geometry Service Node is defined as any softwares that supports communication via the GSNet Protocol.

GSNet Msg Description


The header of the GSNet Msg contains the information necessary for quickly determining authenticity, type and length. Geometry Service's network library, libNetwork, has a header byte layout that looks like this:

Element Length Value
MsgType int16 (2 bytes)
MessageLength int32 (4 bytes) Does *NOT* include the type or length, so is packet size - 6
MessageUUID String (Variable bytes)
HasRegardingUUID Boolean (1 byte)
RegardingMessageUUID String (Variable bytes)
  • MsgType: 2 byte integer value that tells what type of message this is.
  • MessageUUID: Standard UUID for this message. Currently stored as a string.
  • HasRegardingUUID: Boolean flag that indicates whether there is a Regarding UUID or not.
  • RegardingMessageUUID: Standard UUID that indicates this NetMsg is a response to another NetMsg.


The Data load of a NetMsg is, obivously, the important and unique part. Data Loads can be as small as zero (in the case of a TypeOnlyMsg) or many kilobytes long.

Here is a list of NetMsg types and here is a list of Common NetMsg Exchanges.

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