DevLogMay2015 - BRL-CAD/brlcad-docs GitHub Wiki
- considered some alternate plans for proposal
- fixed out-of-source builds issue for Eclipse IDE (need to build in sibling directory instead of sub-directory)
- after complete reinstall of Ubuntu / upgrade, system packages installed
- contacted GSoC mentor about weekly mtgs
- created place-holder pages on BRL-CAD wiki
- tested updating local repo copy and rebuild of BRL-CAD, etc.
- further consideration of proposal updates
- editing / formatting of dissertation
- reviewed research paper for Visweek
- worked out weekly interactive mtg schedule with mentor (starseeker) on IRC
- formatting / editing dissertation for June 11th defense
- formatting / editing dissertation
- defense may be moved a week earlier to 6/1-6/5
- sick day - caught flu of some kind
- handled administrative email stuff
- weekend TODO: update proposal per google-melange requests
- multi-day flu
- multi-day flu
- still sick
- edits to dissertation
- re-read parts of NMG paper
- made sure svn update works with Eclipse
- will update proposal over the next few days after more recovery from illness
- recovering from viral sinus infection, prognosis: ~1 week
- reading documents in downtime
- scheduling with committee
- recovering from viral sinus infection, prognosis: ~1 week
- reading documents in downtime
- ditto
- ditto
- ditto
- ditto
- recovered mostly from flu
- adding needed changes to dissertation for defense on June 3rd
- plan to update proposal later tomorrow / Wednesday
- dissertation edits / mtgs with visiting prof.
- dissertation edits / mtgs with visiting prof.
- read thru Volume II - Intro to MGED
- determined how to convert primitives to nmg via facetize command
- investigated relevant source: librt/primitives/nmg/*; nmg_mk.c, nmg.c, etc.
- considering command design for direct edits of nmg data structure (to be added to proposal)
- todo: need to investigate how to add commands for mged / archer
- received info from starseeker as to how to implement new command line functions
- updated proposal on google-melange
- will post updated prop on BRL-CAD Wiki and make a note in IRC
- covered some maths, i.e. orthogonal function expansions (not necessarily relevant to current work)
- covered some maths, i.e. orthogonal function expansions (not necessarily relevant to current work)
- 8 hours preparing slides for dissertation defense (with another day of work likely)
- perused NMG paper entitled, "Manifold Boundary Representation for Solid Modelling" by Gueorguieva, et al.
- todo: investigate patch for command addition (tomorrow)
- todo: work out how to manage local version control for brl-cad trunk
- 8+ hours on dissertation + slides edits (more revisions requested by advisor)
- todo: command-line addition as stated (likely to be done late-thurs / fri / sat)
- created github repo for local change revisions @ (temp until commit access with brlcad svn)
- will periodically integrate trunk revisions to git repo "branch"
- looking at revisions: The Mged simulate command is implemented here(as a libged function); The Mged simulate command is implemented here(as a libged function)
- todo: look at gci patch "mesh" command
- updating dissertation (4hrs+); need this done by evening tomorrow
- need dissertation slides by monday (applied ~1.5hrs)
- caught in an edit cycle with dissertation; ~8+ hours of edits
- started adding libged command stubs in src/libged for nmg construction routines
- putting all common types of commands in single file for now
- may be better to have individual files for each with new subdir
- following examples for libged/nmg_simplify.c, libged/facetize.c, etc.
- missed 10AM PDT mtg in IRC with starseeker. will try to mtg sat / sun instead.
- working on dissertation edits / slides
- working on dissertation edits / slides