Explore and analyze different key-value datastores.
Discuss with Mentors and finalize the perfect datastore.
May 16
Downloaded and installed Hiredis (v0.14.1) on my machine
hiredis.prf is created for auto-detection of hiredis
May 17
Exploring hiredis and redis
May 18
Created pcache.h which contains the core methods to connect and
communicate with the server.
May 19
Written some functionality of the PCache class.
Testing and resolving different degenerate cases in PCache.
May 20
Added somemore functionality for PCache class.
May 21
Testing of PCache class and added required guards ENABLE_HIREDIS
Pushed the code into repo and results show a success.
May 22
Understanding the layout of preference dialog.
May 23
Created the required GUI, which takes the IP address and port number
and connects to the Redis server.
Pushed the code to the repo and checks ran successfully.
May 24-30
Exploring Redis commands
May 31
Added authentication functionality to PCache class
Added required GUI in preferences to take password.
Phase 1
June 1
Added prepending functions
Added print function
June 2
Experimented with the referencing style of CGALCache and GeomCache.
June 4
PCSettings class is added
Added command-line option to decs
June 5
Integrated PCSettings with CLI and GUI version.
June 6
fixed build issue
June 7
Added FindHiredis.cmake and added to CMakeLists.txt
Fixed few typo errors.
June 8
Testing authentication
June 9
Testing command-line options
June 10-12
Learning about boost serialization library
June 13
worked on Serialization implementatio outside OpenSCAD
June 14
Created and placed connect and disconnect functionality in Main
window and OpenSCAD.
June 19
Created SCADSerializations.h file to store all serialization
created cache_entry structs in pcache.
June 20
Worked with boost serialization in non-intrusive and split mode.
checking it's compatibility in OpenSCAD env through small tests
outside OpenSCAD.
June 21
Completed writing all serialization definitions
June 22
Completed Insert and get methods for CGAL and Geometry
June 23
Resolved error with header files
Added Guards around cache_enry serialization definitions
Made some modifications to the smartCacheInsert method and
encountered a critical error.
June 24
Resolved problem related to serializing a pointer to derived class
of boost serialization
Ran 1st test on the complete project, it is partially successful
Geometries are inserted perfectly into Redis but raised a
segmentation fault which to be addressed.
June 25
Geometry cache is inserting into Redis by preview action
Segmentation fault of yesterday still prevails
June 26
Testing has done in the case of CGAl Cache, CGAL is successfully
inserting into Redis while previewing and crashes in case of Render
Found the cause for segfault, in the process to resolve it
June 27
Resolved the segfault by starting the connection on render thread
while rendering. no change in the case of the preview.
June 28
worked on crash due to lazy union
identified the reason behind the crash.
June 29
Analyzed the options for resolving the crash
June 30
After discussing with mentor, we decided to continue working on the
reconstruction of object from redis and try to resolve the issue in
Phase 2
July 4-8
Resolved segmentation fault related to rendering on a different
July 9-13
Resolved the crash which is happening when previewing the second
July 14-16
Resolved the repeating authentication bug
July 17
Adding a new test app to CTest of OpenSCAD
July 18
Completed the python test script and added it to tests/CMakList.txt
failed to run the test on local machine
test failed by running on travis and other tools most probably
because of lack of hiredis lib
July 19
fixed the problem discussed yesterday, by changing the args in
add_cmd_test in tests/cmakelists.txt and changing the export path
in python script.
ran Travis along by starting Redis-server, macOS doesn't offer that
service and no huge time difference is observed in the other two
need to add hiredis dependency to Travis check to complete.
July 20-26
placed pcachepngtest_CSG into heavy config due to variety of
discussed with teepee about things that can be done
started by adding clear Redis cache feature under the same
design=>flush caches
Added a new option for openscad for logging debug messages into an
external file
Added another test for persistent cache which tests the cache hit
Phase 3
Aug 2
Added debug-output option to openscad
Aug 3
added testcase using debug-output option
Aug 4
Added a section in WIP wikibook about persistent cache
Aug 5
Designed local cache feature set
Aug 6
Completed writing insert, get, gethash and contains methods.
Resolved build issues on CI checks
Aug 7
Resolved issues with lcache and completed setting up it's working in
Resolved the crash issue which is arising when trying to flush
Aug 8
Resolved the crash which occurs when lazy-union is enabled.
Aug 9
Added local cache to cmd line options renamed --persistent-cache
option as --option with args like --option=file for enabling local
cache and --option=redis,,6379,foobared for enabling redis
encountered a seg fault
Aug 10
resolved the segfault crash.
updated WIP in progress page.
Aug 13-18
In search of eviction implementation
Aug 19
Facing build errors with Circle CI builds which are disabled because
of some reason
Decided to upstream to remove the boosty dependency in platformutils
Aug 20
Updated tests/cmakelist.txt to include the changes made to --cache
option and corrected few things dropped because merging