App01: Lab Classes - BNU-Comp-Louis/BlueJ-PartA GitHub Wiki

App01 LabClass (Due Week 3)


The LabClass class represents an enrolment list for one lab class. It stores the time, room and participants of the lab, as well as the instructor's name. Code already exists for most of the features. but the code has not been tested.

Requirements 1: Testing

  • Test App01 the LabClass project by creating a new LabClass called co452Lab and enrolling three new Students (make up unique names). This LabClass will be held on Tuesday 29th September 2020 in room G100 taken by instructor Nicholas Day.
  • Also test that the students can be updated with 20 credits, and that a student name could be updated to correct a spelling mistake for example.
  • Document your testing by selecting View -> Show Terminal in BlueJ and then Select Options -> Record Method Calls. When the testing is complete save to a txt file as LabClassTests.txt

Requirements 2: New Features

  • Create a new class called Course which contains a code number and a title, e.g. G400, Computing.
  • Add a new field to the Student class for Course and a method to add a course to a student.
  • Modify the Student.print() method so that it prints out the student’s course.
  • Test that it works

BlueJ Design

App01 Class Diagram

UML Class Diagram

Class Diagram


To be completed by the student

Requirements Testing Part 1
Requirements Testing Part 2

These links should go the the testing files in the repository code


To be completed by the student

  1. LabClass can access multiple students, but a Student can not access LabClass
  2. Student can access a single Course, but the Course cannot access multiple students
  3. There is no user interface and the program can only be used in BlueJ
  4. There is no connection between a LabClass and a Course
  5. Courses should contain multiple LabClasses