Data Effect Spawn Troop - BLKTower/TestWiki GitHub Wiki

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Data\Effect\Spawn Troop {DataDataEffectData-EffectSpawn-Troop}

Creates units as children of the caster. Note that this is generally for use within Wild Sky TD and interacts with TD-specific AI behaviors.

Unit {Unit}

The type of unit to create.

Spawn Count {Spawn-Count}

The number of units to create.

Max Count {Max-Count}

If set, only up to this number of units will be created.

Offset {Offset}

The offset for where the unit is created.

Spawn At Rally Point {Spawn-At-Rally-Point}

If checked, will create the units at the parent's rally point rather than the parent's location.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️