Data Effect Set Waypoints - BLKTower/TestWiki GitHub Wiki

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Data\Effect\Set Waypoints {DataDataEffectData-EffectSet-Waypoints}

Sets the waypoint path for TD_Creep or Generic Controllable units.

Target {Target}

Which unit to set waypoints for.

Waypoints {Waypoints}

Which method is used for setting waypoints.

Waypoints Type {Waypoints-Type}

SelectableType: EffectSetWaypoints.Waypoints.Waypoints Type

Dispersal Offset {Dispersal-Offset}

Sets the waypoints offset across the lane width (0 = left edge, 1 = right edge).

Dispersal Offset Range {Dispersal-Offset-Range}

A random number between this and 0 will be added to the dispersal offset.

Use Natural Dispersal {Use-Natural-Dispersal}

If checked, determine dispersal automatically from unit's current position.

Ignore Rally Disabled Lanes {Ignore-Rally-Disabled-Lanes}

When checked, lanes marked as "Disable Rally" as valid waypoints.

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