General Gameplay and Balance: Other Gameplay Changes - BLCM/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: General Gameplay and Balance: Other Gameplay Changes
Borderlands 3 Mods
- 3000 hyperion slaughter, by altef-4
- 3000 mobs count scale / spawn randomizer, by altef-4
- 4 Player Enemy Health in 1P, 2P & 3P Lobbies, by CZ47
- Arm's Race Starter Chest: blue, by skruntskrunt
- Arm's Race Starter Chest: green, by skruntskrunt
- Arm's Race Starter Chest: orange, by skruntskrunt
- Arm's Race Starter Chest: purple, by skruntskrunt
- Arms Race Gear in Arms Race, by skruntskrunt
- Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
- Balands (from Balands - 3 - Balancing.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
- Barrel Nerf (turned into Eridium on MTD, AR and CoS), by CZ47
- Boss Guardian Takedown: DLC3 Invasion, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Guardian Takedown: Modders Cut, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Race, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Rush Slaughter 3000: Billy and the Clone-a-saurus, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Rush slaughter 3000: Billy and the clone-a-saurus (First-Try-Saurian-Edition), by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: All Trials, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: All Trials Seed 2, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: All Trials Seed 3, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: Cunning seed 1, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: Cunning seed 42, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: Fervor seed 1, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: Fervor seed 41, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: Fervor seed 42, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: Instinct seed 42, by skruntskrunt
- Boss Trials: Modders Cut, by skruntskrunt
- Consistent & Mitigated Element Influence on Damage, by Stygian Emperor
- Crit Manufacture, by Wayne-The-Brain-McClain
- Cryo DoTs, by Itzsmugg
- Djira Ball, by CZ47
- Early Bloomer, by Apocalyptech
- Enemy Equips: All The Shoddy, by Apocalyptech
- Enemy Equips: All World Drops, by Apocalyptech
- Enemy Equips: Legendaries (all), by Apocalyptech
- Enemy Equips: Legendaries (typelocked), by Apocalyptech
- Enemy Equips: Typelocked World Drops, by Apocalyptech
- Fragile Eridium Clusters, by Apocalyptech
- Guardian Rank Effect Changes, by SpiderLenny
- Infighting, by Apocalyptech
- Mitosis Harker, by skruntskrunt
- No Elemental Penalties/Bonuses, by CZ47
- Reduced SpawnDelay MTD, by CZ47
- Redux, by EpicNNG
- Shadoe's Insane Guardian Rank plus Fabricator Fix, by BlackberryShadoe
- Shadoe's Mayhem Raid, by BlackberryShadoe
- StandAlone Third Person, by screen names
- True Trials, by skruntskrunt
- Universl coms in arms race starter chest, by Itzsmugg
- Unlock DLC3 Tech, by Apocalyptech
- Vehicle Unlocks, by Apocalyptech
- Vehicle Unlocks (Legacy), by Apocalyptech
- Vehicle Unlocks+, by Apocalyptech