Characters and Skills: Siren Changes - BLCM/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: Characters and Skills: Siren Changes
Borderlands 3 Mods
- A Few General Fixes, by CZ47
- Amara 2.0, by CZ47
- Assorted Character Buffs, by SpiderLenny
- Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
- Balands (from Balands - 3 - Balancing.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
- Borderlands 3 Unofficial Community Patch, by shadowevil
- Do Unto All, by hallowfiend
- Hamartia, by hallowfiend
- Kill Skill Duration Buffs, by SpiderLenny
- Melee Amara Adjustments, by Freezer
- No Action Skills Cooldown All Characters, by Phenom
- No Action Skills Cooldown Siren, by Phenom
- Radiation Amara, by CZ47
- True Melee Amara, by CZ47
- V1 Spiritual Driver, by CZ47
- VolleyBall Amara, by Phenom