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Borderlands 3: All Mods
Borderlands 3 Mods
"Fixing" Commitment and Phalanx Stacking, by SSpyR
3000 hyperion slaughter, by altef-4
3000 mobs count scale / spawn randomizer, by altef-4
4 Player Enemy Health in 1P, 2P & 3P Lobbies, by CZ47
A Few General Fixes, by CZ47
Advanced Damage Avoidance, by SpiderLenny
All (Limited-Time) Event Spawns Active, by Apocalyptech
All Weapons Can Anoint, by Apocalyptech
Alternate Scaling: BL1, by Apocalyptech
Alternate Scaling: BL2, by Apocalyptech
Alternate Scaling: TPS, by Apocalyptech
Always Visible Challenge Icons, by Apocalyptech
Amara 2.0, by CZ47
Anima Fix, by Itzsmugg
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 1, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 10, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 100, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 150, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 200, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 25, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 50, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: Free, by Apocalyptech
Arm's Race Starter Chest: blue, by skruntskrunt
Arm's Race Starter Chest: green, by skruntskrunt
Arm's Race Starter Chest: orange, by skruntskrunt
Arm's Race Starter Chest: purple, by skruntskrunt
Arms Race Cheat, by Apocalyptech
Arms Race Gear in Arms Race, by skruntskrunt
Arms Race Hard Difficulty, by hhking7
Assorted Character Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Atlas HQ Courtyard Shortcut, by Apocalyptech
Atlas HQ Fast Travel: Base of Elevator, by Apocalyptech
Atlas HQ Fast Travel: Rhys' Office, by Apocalyptech
Atlas HQ Fast Travel: Upper Courtyard, by Apocalyptech
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Balancing.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands (Animation Speed Adjustments), by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments and Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustements (from Balands - 4 - Dedicated Drop Source & Mayhem-Scaled Drop Adjustments (Less Drops, more Artifacts & COMs).bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments and Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustements (from Balands - 4 - Dedicated Drop Source & Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustments (Less Extra Drops).bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Dedicated Drop Source Adjustments and Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustements (from Balands - 4 - Dedicated Drop Source & Mayhem-Scaled Dedicated Drop Adjustments.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Description Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Eista the Invincible Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Enemy Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Item Part Spawning Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Less Legendary World Drops, by Aaron0000
Balands - Loot Adjustments (from Balands - 2 - Loot Adjustments.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Loot Adjustments (from Balands - 4 - Less Legendary World Drops in Trials, Slaughters, & Takedowns.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Map Defogger, by Aaron0000
Balands - Mayhem Mode Modifier Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Objective Fixes, by Aaron0000
Balands - Quality-of-Life Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Balands - Red-Text Explainer, by Aaron0000
Balands - Smaller HUD, by Aaron0000
Balands - Subjective Fixes, by Aaron0000
Balands - Vehicles Changes, by Aaron0000
Barbaric Yawp Loaders, by CZ47
Barrel Nerf (turned into Eridium on MTD, AR and CoS), by CZ47
Beef Plissken Loot Pattern Fix, by Apocalyptech
Better Maliwan Charge Time, by Apocalyptech
Better Mayhem Rewards, by Apocalyptech
Better Sanctuary 3 Floors, by DexManly
Better Slots, by Apocalyptech
Better Vending Machines, by Phenom
BL3 Better Loot, by Apocalyptech
Black Market World Drops, by Apocalyptech
Black Markets Everywhere, by Apocalyptech
Bobbers HUD and Viewmodels, by bobbergit
Borderlands 3 Unofficial Community Patch, by shadowevil
Boss Drop Randomizer, by Apocalyptech
Boss Guardian Takedown: DLC3 Invasion, by skruntskrunt
Boss Guardian Takedown: Modders Cut, by skruntskrunt
Boss Race, by skruntskrunt
Boss Rush Slaughter 3000: Billy and the Clone-a-saurus, by skruntskrunt
Boss Rush slaughter 3000: Billy and the clone-a-saurus (First-Try-Saurian-Edition), by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: All Trials, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: All Trials Seed 2, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: All Trials Seed 3, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Cunning seed 1, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Cunning seed 42, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Fervor seed 1, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Fervor seed 41, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Fervor seed 42, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Instinct seed 42, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Modders Cut, by skruntskrunt
Buff for DNA, by SSpyR
Buff for Webslinger, by SSpyR
Buffed Projected Shields, by TheNiTrex
Burst Fire Skill Descriptions, by ZetaDaemon
Burst Fire Skill Fixes, by ZetaDaemon
CalmCoolCollected Techspert, by DexManly
Cheaper Eridium Economy, by Apocalyptech
Cheaper SDUs, by Apocalyptech
Cheaper Slots, by Apocalyptech
Chubby Mayhem, by skruntskrunt
Classic Loot Beams, by Novenic
Clear Skies Event Enabler, by SSpyR
Consistent & Mitigated Element Influence on Damage, by Stygian Emperor
Crit Manufacture, by Wayne-The-Brain-McClain
Cryo DoTs, by Itzsmugg
Custom Loader Names, by CZ47
Customization Drop Rate: Constant, by Apocalyptech
Customization Drop Rate: Frequent, by Apocalyptech
Customization Drop Rate: Improved, by Apocalyptech
Customization Drop Rate: None, by Apocalyptech
Customizations: Only Heads and Skins, by Apocalyptech
Decreased Mayhem Enemy Scaling, by Apocalyptech
Diamond Chest: Eridium Cost, by DexManly
Diamond Chest: Free Cost, by DexManly
Diamond Chest: Golden Key Cost, by DexManly
Diamond Chest: Money Cost, by DexManly
Digby's Smooth Tube Audio Fix, by Apocalyptech
Disable Email Loyalty Rewards, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Big Kick Energy, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Galaxy Brain, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Lootsplosion, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): More Than Okay Boomer, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Slayer, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Speed Demon, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Boundary Issues, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Chain Gang, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Drone Ranger, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Laser Fare, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Pool Party, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Ticked Off, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Acid Reign, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Charred Mode, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Chilling Them Softly, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Floor is Lava, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Freeze Tag, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Healy Avenger, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): High Voltage, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Mob Mentality, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Pain Tolerance, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Totally Radical, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Buddy System, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Dazed and Infused, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Holy Crit, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Not the Face, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Post Mortem, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Rogue Lite, by Apocalyptech
Disable MuzzleFlash, by heheoppsy
Djira Ball, by CZ47
DLC Loot De-Emphasizer, by Apocalyptech
Do Unto All, by hallowfiend
Droughts Chest Moves, by Apocalyptech
Droughts Quick Change at Highway Fast Travel, by Apocalyptech
Droughts Stocked Porta-Potties, by Apocalyptech
Earlier Childhood's End, by Apocalyptech
Early Bloomer, by Apocalyptech
Easy Entry to Fort Sunshine, by Apocalyptech
Elements Dots Overhaul, by Grimm
Elpis Mayaifier, by hallowfiend
Enable Pendant of Terramorphous Artifact, by Apocalyptech
Enemy and Skill Randomizers, by SSpyR and HackerSmacker
Enemy Equips: All The Shoddy, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: All World Drops, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Legendaries (all), by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Legendaries (typelocked), by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Typelocked World Drops, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Gear Drops, by SSpyR
Enhanced Enemies Mayhem10, by CZ47
Equal Character Gear Chance, by Apocalyptech
Event Rewards: Bloody Harvest (2019), by Apocalyptech
Event Rewards: Bloody Harvest (2020), by Apocalyptech
Event Rewards: Broken Hearts (2020), by Apocalyptech
Event Rewards: Broken Hearts (2021), by Apocalyptech
Event Rewards: Revenge of the Cartels (2020), by Apocalyptech
Event Rewards: Revenge of the Cartels (2021), by Apocalyptech
Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards and Earl's Shop, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Customization Pools: All but Mission Rewards, Earl's Shop, and Vault Cards, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Customization Pools: All Customizations, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Event Spawners: Bloody Harvest, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Event Spawners: Broken Hearts, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Event Spawners: Revenge of the Cartels, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Legendary Pools, by Apocalyptech
Expanded Quest Dialogue Skip, by SpiderLenny
ExplosiveFury Fix, by Itzsmugg
Fabricator: Eridium, by Apocalyptech
Fabricator: Rapid-Fire, by Apocalyptech
Fabricator: Replicator, by Apocalyptech
Fast Levelling: Fast Variant (very cheaty!), by Apocalyptech
Fast Levelling: Faster Variant (very cheaty!), by Apocalyptech
Fast Levelling: Insane Variant (very cheaty!), by Apocalyptech
Fast Levelling: Mildly Speedy Variant, by hallowfiend
Fastball buff, by SpiderLenny
Faster COV Equip Speed, by Stygian Emperor
Faster NPCs, by CZ47
Faster Slide, by Poïpoï
First Gun Chest: Full Loadout, by Apocalyptech
First Gun Chest: Testing Gear, by Apocalyptech
Fix Broken Loot Patterns, by Apocalyptech
Fix DLC Shield Drops, by Apocalyptech
Fix Siren COM Blank Parts, by Apocalyptech
Fixed Weapon Cards, by lollixlii
Floor Under Kritchy, by DexManly
Force Enemy Spawns: BPChar_TinkAnointed, by Apocalyptech
Fragile Containers, by Apocalyptech
Fragile Eridium Clusters, by Apocalyptech
Free Hemovorous Door, by Apocalyptech
Free Respawn, by Apocalyptech
Free Respec, by Apocalyptech
Full Auto Anarchy, by ZetaDaemon
Garcia goes RATATATATATA, by Grimm
Gear Randomizer: Artifacts, by SSpyR
Gear Randomizer: Class Mods, by SSpyR
Gear Randomizer: Grenades, by SSpyR
Gear Randomizer: Shields, by SSpyR
Gear Randomizer: Weapons, by SSpyR
Gears of War style Camera, by deadjack133
God Bear, by SSpyR
God Clone, by SSpyR
God Skag, by SSpyR
Gold Chest: Eridium Cost, by DexManly
Gold Chest: Free Cost, by DexManly
Gold Chest: Money Cost, by DexManly
Green Monster Click Click Points Fix, by SSpyR
Guaranteed Ghosts, by Apocalyptech
Guaranteed Rare Spawns, by Apocalyptech
Guardian 4N631 No Longer Long Distance, by SpiderLenny
Guardian Angel 250% Nerf, by TheGigaMaster
Guardian Angel 400% Nerf, by TheGigaMaster
Guardian Rank Effect Changes, by SpiderLenny
Guardian Takedown Health Balancing, by SSpyR
Gun Gun, by SpiderLenny
Hamartia, by hallowfiend
Health Gate Remover, by Lonemasterino
Heart of Gold: Better Gifts, by Apocalyptech
Heavy Rain for Fl4k, by LessHandsomeJack
Horned and Eridium Skags model swap, by deadjack133
Hyperion Snipers Iron Sight Change, by EternalRose
Ice Queen Weapon Balance Fix, by EternalRose
If I Survive This, Then Vault Hunter, I'm Getting Married. And You're Invited, by hallowfiend
Increased Endgame Difficulty, by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x69.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x20.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x4.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x40.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased Spawns.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x15.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Increased Spawns (from Increased spawns x10.bl3hotfix), by CZ47
Infighting, by Apocalyptech
Infinite Fade Away Duration, by Phenom
Infinite Gamma Burst Duration, by Phenom
Infinite Slide, by Apocalyptech
Infinite SNTNL Drone Duration, by Phenom
Instant Pet Respawn, by Phenom
Iron Bear - No Self-Damage, by Stygian Emperor
Iron Bear - Unlimited Fuel (from StygianEmperor_IronBearUnlimitedFuel.bl3hotfix), by Stygian Emperor
Iron Bear - Unlimited Fuel (from StygianEmperor_IronBearUnlimitedFuel_FullRefund.bl3hotfix), by Stygian Emperor
Jakobs Snipers Iron Sight Change, by EternalRose
Jetbeasts (Almost) Everywhere, by Apocalyptech
Key Eridium Fabricator, by CraZy Marty 695
Kill Skill Duration Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Leave No Trace Old Version (Instant Cooldown), by Phenom
Legendaries No World Drop, by SSpyR
Legendary Arms Race, by Poïpoï
Legendary Price Scaling, by Phenom
Lenny's Assorted Gear Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Less Guaranteed Gun Accessoires, by Jalokin333
Less Punishing Guardian Takedown Platforming, by DexManly
Less Snowball, by PHM2D
Life of the Party: Short Rakk Shootout, by Apocalyptech
Loot the Universe Artifacts to Slaughterstar 3000, by Litch
Loot the Universe COMs to Slaughter Shaft, by Litch
Lower Legendary Loot Beam Height, by Phenom
Main Menu: Cartels, by Apocalyptech
Main Menu: Christmas, by Apocalyptech
Main Menu: Halloween, by Apocalyptech
Main Menu: Normal, by Apocalyptech
Main Quest Dialog Skip, by Grimm
Manufacturer Lock: Atlas, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: COV, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: Dahl, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: Hyperion, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: Jakobs, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: Maliwan, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: Tediore, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: Torgue, by Apocalyptech
Manufacturer Lock: Vladof, by Apocalyptech
Map De-fogger, by Novenic
Mayhem 2 No Modifiers, by SSpyR
Mayhem Mode Configurator, by Apocalyptech
Mayhem Modifier Nerfs, by Apocalyptech
Mayhem Overhaul, by PHM2D
MayhemScaled StatuseffectDamage, by CZ47
Mega TimeSaver XL, by Apocalyptech
Melee Amara Adjustments, by Freezer
Mission Reward Randomizer, by Apocalyptech
Mitosis Harker, by skruntskrunt
Modtest Char Setup (at beginning of the game), by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Diamond Keys, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Eridium, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Grenades, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Loot, by Apocalyptech
More Backpack Space for Borderlands 3, by EternalRose
More Elemental Weapons, by Apocalyptech
More Max Ammo, by ZetaDaemon
More Tracker Darts, by Apocalyptech
More Visible ECHO Logs, by Apocalyptech
Mountaineer, by Apocalyptech
Movement Speed Cheats - Extreme Improvements, by Apocalyptech
Movement Speed Cheats - Normal, by Apocalyptech
Movement Speed Cheats - Reasonable Improvements, by Apocalyptech
Moxxi's Tipping Jar Rewards, by Phenom
Moze Skill - Reactive Armor (WCICATG Replacement), by Stygian Emperor
Moze Skill - Reactive Armor - 60% Resistance Branch (WCICATG Replacement), by Stygian Emperor
MurdercaneTime_doublemurdertime.csv, by skruntskrunt
MurdercaneTime_fastmurdertime.csv, by skruntskrunt
MurdercaneTime_growmurdertime.csv, by skruntskrunt
Muze COM Buff, by SpiderLenny
Nerf OP Gear, by Apocalyptech
No Action Skills Cooldown All Characters, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Beastmaster, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Gunner, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Operative, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Siren, by Phenom
No Anoint Balance Pass, by SSpyR
No Barrier AmpShot VFX, by Poïpoï
No Burst Plasma Coil, by ZetaDaemon
No Cryo Penalty, by Apocalyptech
No DOT Screams, by Poïpoï
No DOT Screams For Enemies, by deadjack133
No Elemental Penalties/Bonuses, by CZ47
No Guardian/Skill Point Notification or XP bar, by Elektrohund
No Heavy Weapon Player Speed Penalty, by Stygian Emperor
No Hidden Eridium, by Apocalyptech
No Mayhem Drop Scaling, by Apocalyptech
No More Sparkles, by Novenic
No Panting, by Apocalyptech
No Projected Shields, by Apocalyptech
No Reload Notification, by Apocalyptech
No Scaling, by shadowevil
No Self Splash Damage, by erthwormsam
No Slam-based Artifacts, by Apocalyptech
No Trials Dependencies, by Apocalyptech
No Wasted Equipment, by Apocalyptech
Non Slippery Crit, by Rumo
Non-Maliwan Charge Speed, by SpiderLenny
Nuclear Moze, by Freezer
NVHM GameStage Follows Player Level, by Apocalyptech
Obscene Ammo Regen Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Oldschool Mayhem, by lollixlii
OmegaMantakoreRaid, by skruntskrunt
Only Atlas Grenades, by Apocalyptech
Operative Com-Combo, by PHM2D
Orphan Maker, by ZetaDaemon
P2P Networker Element Fix, by Apocalyptech
Patch Slaughterstar 3000 Boss Drop, by DexManly
PetZilla, by Phenom
Photo Mode Unlock, by Apocalyptech
PokePet, by Phenom
PokePetZilla, by Phenom
Power Ranger Clone, by Phenom
Provocateur COM (Unreleased Ixora Operative COM), by Apocalyptech
Purple Tree Fl4k Overhaul, by CZ47
Quick Changes Everywhere, by Apocalyptech
Radiation Amara, by CZ47
Radiation Fire in the Skag Den (Nuclear Fallout), by ZetaDaemon
Raid on Bloodsun Canyon, Raid on VIP Tower, and Raid Bosses, by skruntskrunt
Raid on the Maliwan Takedown, by CZ47
Re-Volter Visual FX Removal - Shock only, by Nxz_
Re-Volter Visual FX Removal - Slag & Shock, by Nxz_
Re-Volter Visual FX Removal - Slag only, by Nxz_
Really Lucky 7, by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Corrosive), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Fire), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Semi Auto), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Shock), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (No element conversion), by CZ47
Recursion Buff, by niol
Red Chest Timer Reset, by Apocalyptech
Red Text Explainer, by Apocalyptech
Reduced SpawnDelay MTD, by CZ47
Redux, by EpicNNG
Relaxed Skill Requirements, by Stygian Emperor
Remove Mayhem Gear Bonuses, by Apocalyptech
Reopenable Gear Chests, by Apocalyptech
Revenge of the Cartels: Fewer Operatives, by Apocalyptech
ReVolter 150% Nerf (from ReVolter 150% Reduction.bl3hotfix), by TheGigaMaster
ReVolter 150% Nerf (from ReVolter 175% Reduction.bl3hotfix), by TheGigaMaster
Rough Rider Reborn, by Freezer
Self Splash Immunity, by ZetaDaemon
Shadoe's Insane Guardian Rank plus Fabricator Fix, by BlackberryShadoe
Shadoe's Mayhem Raid, by BlackberryShadoe
Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Instant, by Apocalyptech
Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Regular, by Apocalyptech
ShowMeThePurplex2, by ZetaDaemon
ShowMeThePurplex20, by ZetaDaemon
ShowMeThePurplex5, by ZetaDaemon
Silence Messy Breakup, by Stygian Emperor
Silent ActionSkill Cooldowns, by Poïpoï
Silent Sellout, by Apocalyptech
Single-Element Maliwan, by Apocalyptech
Sisterly Love: More Money, by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Big-lands (2.0x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Giant-lands (5.0x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Huge-lands (3.0x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Smol-lands (0.7x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Tiny-lands (0.4x), by Apocalyptech
Slayer Modifier Booster Change, by Apocalyptech
Slide Jumper, by Poïpoï
Slur Remover, by hallowfiend
Smaller HUD, by Elektrohund
Smaller HUD - No XP Bar, by Elektrohund
Smaller HUD - No XP Bar or Crosshair, by Elektrohund
SmartBear - Full-Size Iron Cub, by Stygian Emperor
SnS Replaces CoV, by Novenic
Soleki Orion, by ZetaDaemon
Specific Movement Speed Adjustments, by PHM2D
Stacking Rage And Recover, by ZetaDaemon
StandAlone Third Person, by screen names
Stronger Enemies Arms Race, by CZ47
Stronger Snipers, by Apocalyptech
Super Buff: Crader's EM-P5, by Apocalyptech
Super Buff: Transformer, by Apocalyptech
Superball Buff, by niol
Supercharged-Crystals Event Enabler, by SSpyR
Taste of Defeet, by CZ47
Tediore Chuck Fix, by LessHandsomeJack
Tediore Overhaul, by LessHandsomeJack
Terror no effects, by Bra2ha
Testing Enemy Spawns, by Apocalyptech
Testing Loot Drops, by Apocalyptech
The Not So Fakobs, by TheGigaMaster
The Not So Fakobs - Redux Compatible, by TheGigaMaster
Torgue ARs: Full Auto, by Apocalyptech
Total Damage Dealt, by CZ47
Transaction-Packed: Abridged, by Apocalyptech
Trial Names (from TrialNames_DisplayOnly.bl3hotfix), by DexManly
Trial Names (from TrialNames_SubHeader.bl3hotfix), by DexManly
Trial Names (from TrialNames_Full.bl3hotfix), by DexManly
Trial Names FR, by Phenom
Trials Loot Adjustments, by SSpyR
True Melee Amara, by CZ47
True Trials, by skruntskrunt
TVHM Scale From Level 1, by Phenom
Undo Mayhem Loot Hotfix (April 8, 2021), by notrixatenza
Uniques Are Legendary, by Apocalyptech
Universl COMS, by Itzsmugg
Universl coms in arms race starter chest, by Itzsmugg
Unlimited Bank & Backpack, by Phenom
Unlimited Vehicles Boost, by Phenom
Unlock DLC3 Tech, by Apocalyptech
Unlock Mayhem-Specific Drops, by Apocalyptech
Unlock Part Restrictions on Uniques and Legendaries, by Jalokin333
Unlocked Vermivorous, by Apocalyptech
Unrestricted Skilltrees, by CZ47
V1 Spiritual Driver, by CZ47
Varkid Evolve Chance Increase (from varkid_evolution_increase.bl3hotfix), by TheGigaMaster
Varkid Evolve Chance Increase (from varkid_always_evolve.bl3hotfix), by TheGigaMaster
Vaughn's Top Surgery, by hallowfiend
Vehicle Unlocks, by Apocalyptech
Vehicle Unlocks (Legacy), by Apocalyptech
Vehicle Unlocks+, by Apocalyptech
Vendor Crash Temp Fix, by CZ47
Visible BPChar Names, by Apocalyptech
VolleyBall Amara, by Phenom
Ward Reborn, by Freezer
Weapon Balance Overhaul, by TheGigaMaster
Weighted Ammo Drop, by Grimm
White Elephant Rework, by Freezer
Woodblocker's lost buff, by CZ47
World Drop Designer's Cut COMs, by Apocalyptech
World Drop scales with your level, by Grimm
Zane Anarchy, by SSpyR
Zane Flynt's T-Boy Swag, by hallowfiend
Zane The Hunter, by PHM2D
Zane Weapon Down Animation Disable, by deadjack133
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