Wonderlands Character Name Reference - BLCM/BLCMods GitHub Wiki

This is a reference of the BPChar_* names which can be used to reference the various Wonderlands "named" characters, for use in Wonderlands Hotfixes.

This page is mostly only concerned with the named enemies/bosses who drop specific unique/legendary gear, and doesn't have any NPC type characters listed here (or "ordinary" enemies). For a more-complete list which is a little less hand-curated, check out this Google Sheet.

Main Game

Name Reference
Banshee (plot) BPChar_BansheeBoss
Banshee (runnable) BPChar_BansheeBoss_Runnable
Bernadette the Dracolich (plot) BPChar_WyvernDraco
Bernadette the Dracolich (runnable) BPChar_WyvernDracoRun
Dragon Lord (plot, phase 1) BPChar_FinalBossStage1
Dragon Lord (plot, phase 2) BPChar_FinalBossStage2
Dragon Lord (runnable, phase 1) BPChar_FinalBossS1_Run
Dragon Lord (runnable, phase 2) BPChar_FinalBossS2_Run
Dry'l (plot, phase 1) BPChar_Colossus1
Dry'l (plot, phase 2) BPChar_Colossus2
Dry'l (plot, phase 3) BPChar_Colossus3
Dry'l (runnable, phase 1) BPChar_Colossus1_Runnable
Dry'l (runnable, phase 2) BPChar_Colossus2_Runnable
Dry'l (runnable, phase 3) BPChar_Colossus3_Runnable
Kastor The Normal-Sized Skeleton BPChar_SkeletonBoss
Knight Mare (plot) BPChar_BoneArmy_Knightmare
Knight Mare (runnable) BPChar_BoneArmy_Knightmare_Runnable
LeChance (plot) BPChar_BonePirate_LeChance
LeChance (runnable) BPChar_BonePirate_LeChance_Runnable
Mike (Mushroom Healer) BPChar_MushroomHealer
Parasite (plot) BPChar_CorruptBoss
Parasite (runnable) BPChar_CorruptBoss_Runnable
Ribula (plot) BPChar_BoneArmy_Ribula
Ribula (runnable) BPChar_BoneArmy_Ribula_Runnable
Salissa (plot) BPChar_Naga_WaterGoddess
Salissa (runnable) BPChar_Naga_WaterGoddess_Run
Vorcanar (plot) BPChar_DragonMech
Vorcanar (runnable) BPChar_DragonMech_Runnable
Wastard (plot) BPChar_WastardBoss
Wastard (Son of a Witch) (runnable) BPChar_WastardBoss_Runnable
Zomboss (plot) BPChar_BoneArmy_ZombieQueen
Zomboss (runnable) BPChar_BoneArmy_ZombieQueen_Runnable

Drops In Chaos Chamber Only

These minibosses are part of the main plot of the game, but without mods they only drop unique gear when found inside the Chaos Chamber.

Name Reference
Blue Hat Monstrosity BPChar_Cyclops_BlueHat
Da King BPChar_Cyclops_DaCyclops
Dread Lord BPChar_DreadLord
Freezicles BPChar_BoneArmy_FrostKing
Garglesnot BPChar_GargleSnot
King Archer BPChar_BoneArmy_KingArcher
Llance BPChar_BoneArmy_LanceBro
Master Tonhammer BPChar_Troll_Blacksmith
Monstrosity BPChar_Cyclops_Monstrosity
Taskmaster BPChar_Troll__Taskmaster
Tooth Fairy BPChar_GoblinToothFairy
Troll Jailer BPChar_Troll_Jailer

Obelisk Minibosses

Name Reference
Death Rattler BPChar_BoneArmy_Bounty02
Droll the Troll BPChar_TrollDroll
King Q'urub Hullsunder BPChar_Crabro
Lissia, Iron-Wrought BPChar_Naga_ObeliskAqua
Mandiblon, Chomper of Skulls BPChar_LandShark_Ancient
Monstrous Shroom BPChar_Mushroom_Bounty01
Obsidian Wyvern BPChar_WyvernObelisk01
Oculus BPChar_Cyclops_Bounty_01
Pigwart BPChar_Pigwart
Shara, Dust-Begotten BPChar_Naga_ObeliskDesert
The Great Wight BPChar_LandShark_Bounty01

Shrine Guardians (Overworld Dungeons)

Name Reference
Bucket Head BPChar_EnemyHuman_ObeliskBandit
Captain Swallow BPChar_Swallow
Eros Wyvern BPChar_WyvernObelisk02
Frondstrosity BPChar_MushroomAncient
Grissom Whitmore BPChar_Grissom
Magical Splotch BPChar_SplotchMagical
Thorne Shadow BPChar_ThorneShadow

Chaos Chamber Bosses

Name Reference
Barkenstein, Keeper of Nature BPChar_NatureAspect
Bunnidhogg, Keeper of the Sands BPChar_DesertAspect
Dgonk BPChar_Troll_Dgonk
Gloopathoth, Keeper of the Abyss BPChar_AbyssAspect
The Maker BPChar_TheMaker

DLC1 (Coiled Captors)

Note: Chums' v4 version doesn't actually appear until the second phase of the v4 battle. While Chums is still on the ground, it uses the v3 BPChar. (If you're using modded OP gear, it's easy to kill Chums too quickly when still in the v3 form, and get v3 loot.)

Name Reference
"Chums" the Old God (v1) BPChar_Shark_Boss_v1
"Chums" the Old God (v2) BPChar_Shark_Boss_v2
"Chums" the Old God (v3) BPChar_Shark_Boss_v3
"Chums" the Old God (v4) BPChar_LandSharknado_Boss

DLC2 (Glutton's Gamble)

Note: The main Imelda BPChars don't actually drop loot -- instead, that's handled via a set of LootDummy BPChars. Also, without mods, the v4 loot spawner object never gets called properly, so Imelda's v4 drops will be the same as v3.

Name Reference
Imelda the Sand Witch (v1, phase 1) BPChar_WitchBoss_Human
Imelda the Sand Witch (v1, phase 2) BPChar_WitchBoss_Troll
Imelda the Sand Witch (v2, phase 1) BPChar_WitchBoss_Human_v2
Imelda the Sand Witch (v2, phase 2) BPChar_WitchBoss_Goblin
Imelda the Sand Witch (v3, phase 1) BPChar_PettyRocker_Human_v3
Imelda the Sand Witch (v3, phase 2) BPChar_PettyRocker_GiantTroll
Imelda the Sand Witch (v4, phase 1) BPChar_PettyRocker_Human_v4
Imelda the Sand Witch (v4, phase 2) BPChar_PettyRocker_Lich
Loot Spawner (v1) BPChar_Witch_LootDummy
Loot Spawner (v2) BPChar_Witch_LootDummy_v2
Loot Spawner (v3) BPChar_Witch_LootDummy_v3
Loot Spawner (v4, never used) BPChar_Witch_LootDummy_v4

DLC3 (Molten Mirrors)

Name Reference
Fyodor the Soul Warden (v1) BPChar_Ind3_Smith_v1
Fyodor the Soul Warden (v2) BPChar_Ind3_Smith_v2
Fyodor the Soul Warden (v3) BPChar_Ind3_Smith_v3
Fyodor the Soul Warden (v4) BPChar_Ind3_Smith_v4

DLC4 (Shattering Spectreglass)

Note: The main Redmourne BPChars don't actually drop loot -- instead, that's handled via a set of LootDummy BPChars.

Name Reference
Raging Wyborg BPChar_DragonMech_Indigo
Redmourne (v1) BPChar_Wyvern_Boss_V1
Redmourne (v2) BPChar_Wyvern_Boss_V2
Redmourne (v3) BPChar_Wyvern_Boss_V3
Redmourne the Trivern (v4) BPChar_Wyvern_Boss_V4
Loot Spawner (v1) BPChar_WyvernBoss_LootDummy_V1
Loot Spawner (v2) BPChar_WyvernBoss_LootDummy_V2
Loot Spawner (v3) BPChar_WyvernBoss_LootDummy_V3
Loot Spawner (v4) BPChar_WyvernBoss_LootDummy_V4