Randomizer PythonSDK FaQ - BLCM/BLCMods GitHub Wiki

1 Randomizer FAQ

1.1: When I execute a randomizer it gives me a lot of errors in the console!

  • These can mostly be safely ignored.

1.2: The Enemy Randomizer doesn't work for me.

  • Very first thing, make sure other mods work which include hotfixes (eg. UCP, make sure you're connected to Steam / SHiFT etc)
  • If it still doesn't work, make sure you have all story DLCs and UVHM Pack 2 (Digistruct Peak). You also need the Headhunter Packs OR disable them in the Enemy Randomizer with OpenBLCMM (Click me to see!)
  • The Enemy Randomizer requires a lot of computer resources, if you have a below average computer you might run into loading issues.

1.3: Where can I find the Randomizer file(s)?

Enemy Randomizer

Weapon & Item Randomizer

4x Spawns

No Spawn Limit

Skill Randomizer: Part of the PythonSDK (please check #2) Make sure to follow instructions and import everything into a single file.

1.4: The Randomizer mods don't work in co-op, my friend keeps disconnecting / crashing or can't join at all.

  • They aren't made to work in co-op, they load all maps in the game at once and that's extremely resource heavy. You can try going to Sanctuary or Moxxi's Bar and letting your friend join there but no thing's guaranteed to work. Chances of random crashes are VERY high and this is not fixable.

1.5: What is the the Super Randomizer and where can I find it?

  • The Super Randomizer combines the UCP with all the major Randomizers in a single file.


  1. You need all story DLCs (FFS not included) AND Ultimate Vault Hunter Pack 2 (FFS and UVHM2 are not included in the GOTY version). You also need a legit, non-cracked version of Borderlands 2.
  2. The Headhunter Pack merges aren't enabled by default. You can enable them with OpenBLCMM here (Uncheck "No Headhunters" and check "Everything") https://i.imgur.com/s6mfh7B.png
  3. If the console outputs any errors, please re-download the Super Randomizer.
  4. This mod is very beefy and will take at least 15-30 seconds to load. If it takes longer than a minute or two, you're missing DLCs.
  5. If you're crashing randomly during gameplay or running out of memory, your PC might not be able to handle the Super Randomizer (even if you have a beast of a computer).
  6. Make sure to create a new character first before running any mods, else your game will freeze / crash.

How to disable stuff (eg. Quadrupled Spawns): https://giant.gfycat.com/BronzeRevolvingGecko.webm

Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15B0fHYyH9Mccbf3ABmyKNxCmWvkXCqUQ/view Updated May 14th 2020

2: Python SDK

The Python SDK is a plugin allowing Python scripts to interact directly with Unreal Engine objects. This opens up many new avenues for modding, from simply allowing modifying dynamically generated objects to letting modders run arbitrary game functions whenever they please. SDK mods are a superset of “regular” text mods, they can do all the same things plus more. - Apple1417 For more information please visit http://borderlandsmodding.com/sdk-mods/

2.1: Where can I get the PythonSDK?

2.2: How do I install the PythonSDK?

2.3: Where do I enable mods?

2.4: How do I install other PythonSDK mods?