This is for pages that are unorganised, incomplete, or are outdated. Which have been abandoned by their authors.
obj dump <object>
Dumps <object>, useful for finding properties you want to change.
obj list inside=<path> class=<class>
Lists all objects contained inside <path> of class <class>. Note that both of these properties are optional, so you can do things like
obj list inside=<path>
obj list class=<class>
The best way I've found to get started on finding an object is to do
obj list class=Package
Which lists all objects currently loaded of class Package. A Package is simply an object that solely contains other objects, it doesn't have many properties of its own. From this you can find a package, for example GD_Siren_Skills, that you can look into for objects you want to modify.
Once you've found a Package you want to explore, you can list inside it like
obj list inside=GD_Siren_Skills
Which lists all contained objects inside GD_Siren_Skills. I find it helpful to first use
obj list inside=GD_Siren_Skills class=Package
So that I know what packages it contains. Then I do
obj list inside=GD_Siren_Skills.<subpackage>
For example
obj list inside=GD_Siren_Skills.Cataclysm
To list all objects inside the Cataclysm Package.