Interfaces - BHoM/LadybugTools_Toolkit GitHub Wiki


All standard BHoM interfaces work with LadybugTools_Toolkit Python code if that code has been wrapped by a BHoM C# component! For example, conversion of an EPW file into a CSV can be achieved by calling the Python method directly

from ladybug.epw import EPW
from ladybugtools_toolkit.ladybug_extension.epw.to_dataframe import to_dataframe

epw = EPW("<path/to/epw/file.epw>")

... or by using the wrapped version via C# which in turn calls the Python code.


For those most familiar with Grasshopper, some of the key functionality of the code exposed via Python wrapped in BHoM code - enabling it to be called directly from a BHoM UI. An example of this can be found here.


Those happiest coding in a more traditional code-based environment can use any text-editor/IDE and whatever method they choose to execute Python code directly.


Jupyter notebooks provide a useful test-bed for drafting out ideas and scripts and can be accessed using the following command run via your terminal of choice.

C:/ProgramData/BHoM/Extensions/PythonEnvironments/Python_Toolkit/python.exe -m jupyter lab

For those less comfortable running commands via the terminal, a batch file that runs this for you can be found here which will start a Jupyter notebook server for you - you just need to double-click it.

Once running, the installation of LadybugTools_Toolkit would have created a LadybugTools_Toolkit kernel that has access to the LadybugTools_Toolkit Python virtual environment. This means that you can run code within Jupyter that is entirely within the LadybugTools_Toolkit environment with access to all installed packages.

Within a notebook you can access all the code within LadybugTools_Toolkit, and the original Ladybug Tools code. An example notebook showing what is possible can be found here.