7.Battery sizing and Adapter sizing - B-Division-2022-2023-Odd/Repo-09 GitHub Wiki


Motor sizing:

Motor 1 and 2(left and right flip):

Volume of foam board= 72cm^3

Mass of foam board = 1g/cm^3(density)*72 = 72g

Volume of rod = 11.304cm^3

Mass of rod = 1.15*11.304 = 12.99g

Mass of tshirt = 80g

Mass of hinges = 32g

Total mass = 72+12.99+80+32 = 196.99g = 0.1969kg

F = 0.1969*9.8 = 1.9305N

T = 1.9305*1.25 = 2.4kg-cm

Therefore we need 2 Tower Pro MG90S servo motor of stall current 700mA for left and right flip.

Motor 3(bottom flip): Volume of foam board = 60cm^3

Mass of foam board = 1*60 = 60g

Mass of rod = 12.99g

Mass of tshirt = 80g

Mass of hinges = 32g

Total mass = 60+12.99+80+32 = 184.99g = 0.1849kg

F = 0.1849*9.8 = 1.8129N

T = 1.8129*1.25 = 2.2kg-cm

Therefore we need 1 Tower Pro MG90S servo motor of stall current 700mA for bottom flip.

Motor 4(dispensing board):

Volume of foam board = 50cm^3

Mass of foam board = 1*50 = 50g

Mass of rod = 12.99g

Mass of tshirt = 80g

Mass of hinges = 32g

Total mass = 50+12.99+80+32 = 174.99g = 0.1749kg

F = 0.1749*9.8 = 1.7140N

T = 1.7140*1.25 = 2.14kg-cm

Therefore we need 1 Tower Pro MG90S servo motor of stall current 700mA for dispensing board.

So, totally we need 4 Tower Pro MG90S servo motor for our model.

Battery sizing:

Components used and their specification:

  1. IR sensor

current requirement = 20mA

voltage requirement = 5V

  1. Arduino mega 2500

current requirement = 40mA

voltage requirement = 7-12V

  1. Servo motors *4

current requirement = 700mA*4 = 2800mA

voltage requirement = 4.8-6.6V

Total current = 2860mA = 2.86A

Therefore we need 14v,2.86A adapter for our model.