6. Virtual Implementation - B-Division-2021-2022-Odd/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki
6.1 3D Modelling
1. Outer Body
2. Lid
3. Wheel
4. Ultrasonic Sensor
5. Moisture Sensing Unit
6.2 Circuit Diagrams
1. Lid Connection
2. Moisture Sensor Connection
3. Sanitiser Connection
6.3 Flow Charts
1. Lid Working
2. Moisture Sensor Working
3. Sanitiser Working
6.4 Bill of Materials
1. BOM of Outer Body and Lid
Sl.no. | Part | Material | Dimensions | Quantity | Fabrication Needed |
1. | Outer body | Acrylic Sheet | 2.5ft * 1ft | 1 | -- |
2. | Inner Body | Foam Sheet | 2ft * 1ft | 1 | --- |
3. | -- | Wires | -- | 2 | -- |
4. | Front Face | Proximity Sensor | --- | 1 | -- |
5. | Wheels | Thermoplastic | Diameter 40mm | 2 | --- |
6. | Sensor | M-18 Proximity Sensor | -- | 1 | -- |
2. BOM of Moisture Sensor System
Sl.no. | Part | Material | Dimensions | Quantity | Fabrication Needed |
1. | Wet Sensor | HL69 SM Sensor | -- | 1 | -- |
2. | Rulers | Tilt Stand | 30 cm | 2 | -- |
3. | Dry Sensor | TTP22301 Digital Touch Sensor | -- | 1 | -- |
4. | Tilter | TowerPro MG995 Micro Servo Motor | -- | 1 | -- |
5. | Microcontroller | Arduino Mega 2560-RR | -- | 1 | -- |
3. BOM of Sanitiser System
Sl.no. | Part | Material | Dimensions | Quantity | Fabrication Needed |
1. | Body | Plastic | 15cm*20cm | 1 | -- |
2. | Pump | DC Motor | 6V-12V | 1 | -- |
3. | Sensor | HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor | -- | 1 | -- |
4. | Li-ion Battery | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
5. | Li-ion charging module | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
4.BOM of sensors.
Sl.no. | Part | Material | Dimensions | Quality | Fabrication Needed |
1. | sensor | HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor | -- | 1 | -- |
2. | sensor | proximity Sensor | -- | 1 | -- |
6.5 3D Model
Circuit Diagram for the System
Motor Sizing
1.Servo Motor for Lid
- Total Mass(m)=0.18kg
- Force, F=W
- F=1.764N
- Total Torque = 1.26kg-cm
- Total Torque including Factor of Safety (FoS=1.5) = 1.89kg-cm
- The Motor Required According to the calculations is Tower Pro MG90S
2.Servo Motor for Moisture Sensing Unit
- Total Mass(m)=0.220
- Force, F=W
- F= 0.220N
- Total Torque =0.9900kg-cm
- Total Torque including Factor of Safety (FoS=1.5) = 1.480kg-cm
- The Motor Required According to the calculations is Tower Pro SG 90
Battery Sizing
SL.no | Components | Voltage | Current |
1 | Servo SG 90 | 5V | 650mA |
2 | Servo MG 90 | 5V | 700mA |
3 | Ultrasonic Sensor | 5V | 15mA |
4 | Ardunio Mega 2560 | 12V | 100mA |
5 | Touch Sensor | 5V | 1mA |
6 | Moisture Sensor | 5V | 35mA |
- For 12V Voltage Current is 100mA
- For 5V Voltage Current is 1401mA
- Factor of Safety (FoS) = 1.2
- For 12V Voltage Current is 120mA
- For 5V Voltage Current is 1681mA