4. Concept Generation - B-Division-2021-2022-Odd/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

4.1 Establishing Functions

Sl.No. Functions
1. Sense the user.
2. Open the lid.
3. Sense the presence of waste.
4. Sense the moisture in the waste.
5. Open the right compartment.
6. Dump the waste into it.
7. Close the lid.
8. Detect the level filled.
9. Display the level filled.
10. Sanitiser senses the users' motion.
11. Sanitiser dispenses the sanitiser.
12. Indicate Power on/off.

4.2 Function Tree

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4.3 Subsystems Identified

  1. Waste Disposing Unit
  2. Level Display Unit
  3. Sanitiser Unit

4.4 Function Clustering

4.4 Establishing Means - Morphological Chart

Sl.No. Subfunctions Means 1 Means 2 Means 3 Means 4
1. Sense the user Proximity Sensor Proximity SHARP 2YOA21 Sharp VMA314 sensor Vma IR Sensor Ir
2. Open the main lid Servo Arm Servo Extendable Arm extendable Manual Servo motor ser
3. Waste Separation HL69 SM Sensor hl FC-28 fc2 LM393 Sensor lm Hygrometer hyg
4. Detecting level filled HC-SR04 hc Solu SL067 solu JSN-SR04T jsn Capacitive Sensor cap
5. Alert once can filled LED led Beep Display dis Buzzer buz
6. Sensor for sanitiser IR Sensor ir Ultrasonic sensors us Proximity Sensor prox REES52_1 Sensor ree
7. Movement of Can Cornered Wheels cor End Wheels end Detachable det Trolley-like trol
8. Power on/off Buzzer buz2 LED led Beep Sound Blinking

4.5 Concept Generation

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

Design 4