3. PROBLEM DEFINITION - B-Div-Engineering-Exploration-2023-Odd/Repo07 GitHub Wiki


I need a 'path memorizing machine'that should able to record it's path and retrace it's path and also it should have a ability that able to pick up and drop the object the ability .

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  Questions Answers Objective Function Constraints
1 Do you want the machine that able to record it's path ? Yes the machine should record it's path Yes    
2 Do you want the machine remember it's starting and ending point ? Yes Yes    
3 Do you want the machine as fully automated ? No it should be semi automated Yes    
4 What should be the size of the machine ? The size of bot is 30cm20cm5cm     Yes
5 Do you want to control the machine remotely ? yes it should be controled remotely   Yes  
6 How much battery backup do you need for this machine ? It must have 2 to 3 hours battery life     Yes
7 How much distance it should cover from it's starting point ? Atleast 2 meters     Yes
8 Do you want the machine can sense the obstacles and take different direction ? Yes   Yes  
9 What should be the budget to build the machine ? It should be around 6000 rupees     Yes
10 Do you want the machine to carry any things ? It should carry pale load   Yes  
11 Do you want the machine pick up any object by itself ? Mobile app   Yes  
12 How much weight it can pickup ? Approximately 50 to 100 grams     Yes
13 You need a machine for domestic or industrial use ? It's for domestic use only Yes    
14 Do you want survillance feature in the machine ? Yes it should recording it's path Yes Yes  
15 Do you want to turn on and off the machine manually ? Yes Yes    

3.2 Basic Requirements:

SI No. Observation from Surveys Requirements
1 Weight of Machine weight of machine should be minimum
2 Battery Life of machine Battery life should be 2 to 3 hours
3 Cost cost should be minimum
4 Distance covered by the machine from it's starting point it should cover atleast 2 meters from it's starting point
5 Materials to be used Materials used to build, must be non toxic and light weight

3.3 Identifying client objectives

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SI No. Objectives
1 The machine should remember it's path
2 The machine should be semi automated
3 The machine should remember it's starting and ending point
4 Machine is used for domestic use  only
5 It should have suvilliance feature like recording it's path
6 The machine should turn on and off by manually

Problem Defination Version 1.1:

Design machine that should able to memorize it's path, it should be able to remember it's starting and ending point and the machine should be semiauomated and the machine is used for domestic purpose only and it should have a survillance feature like recording it's path and the machine should turn on and off manually.

3.4 Identifying Constraints:

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SI No. Constraints
1 The size of  the machine should be 30cm20cm5cm
2 The machine must have 2 to 3 hours battery life
3 the machine should travel atleast 4 meters from it's starting point
4 The  should be around 6000 rupees
5 The machine should pick approximately 50 to 100 grams

Problem Defination version 1.2:

Design machine that should able to memorize it's path, it should be able to remember it's starting and ending point and the machine should be semiauomated and the machine is used for domestic purpose only and it should have a survillance feature like recording it's path and the machine should turn on and off manually.Size of the machine should be 30cm20cm5cm, it must have battery backup of 2 to 3 hours, it should cover atleast 2 meters from it's starting point, the machine should be able to pickup the objects having the weight approximately 50 to 100 grams and the budget to build the machine should be around 5000 rupees.


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SI No. Functions
1 The machine should be controlled remotely
2 machine should sense the obstacles and it should stop
3 The machine should carry pale load
4 The machine should pick up any object through mobile apps
5 The machine should have a survilliance feature like recording it's path

Problem Defination version 1.3:

Design machine that should able to memorize it's path, it should be able to remember it's starting and ending point and the machine should be semiauomated and the machine is used for domestic purpose only and it should have a survillance feature like recording it's path and the machine should turn on and off manually. Size of the machine should be 30cm20cm5cm, it must have battery backup of 2 to 3 hours, it should cover atleast 2 meters from it's starting point, the machine should be able to pickup the objects having the weight approximately 50 to 100 grams and the budget to build the machine should be around 5000 rupees. The machine should be controlled remotely and machine should sense the obstacles and it should stop,the machine should carry pale load, The machine should pick up any object through mobile apps, The machine should have a survilliance feature like recording it's path.

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