components rai_vision_insights - Azure/azureml-assets GitHub Wiki

RAI Vision Insights



Version: 0.0.20



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Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
task_type The type of task to perform string ['image_classification', 'multilabel_image_classification', 'object_detection']
model_input The model name to be used for computing insights mlflow_model False
model_info The model name to be used for computing insights string False
test_dataset The test dataset to be used for computing insights mltable
target_column_name The target column name string
maximum_rows_for_test_dataset The maximum number of rows to use from the test dataset integer 5000
classes The list of class names for the target column string []
categorical_metadata_features The list of categorical metadata feature names string []
dropped_metadata_features The list of dropped metadata feature names string []
precompute_explanation Whether to precompute explanations boolean True
enable_error_analysis Whether to enable computation of error analysis boolean True
use_model_dependency Whether to install the MLFlow model's dependencies in the RAI environment boolean False
use_conda Whether to use conda to install dependencies boolean False
model_type The type of MLFlow model to deserialize string ['pyfunc', 'fastai', 'pytorch']

guided_gradcam doesn't work with transformer vision models and shap isn't supported for automl images models for more details on XAI parameters, refer to following link

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
xai_algorithm The explanation algorithm to use for AutoML vision models, always set to shap for others string guided_backprop True ['guided_backprop', 'guided_gradcam', 'integrated_gradients', 'xrai', 'shap']
n_steps The number of steps for the integrated gradients and XRAI algorithms integer True
xrai_fast Whether to use the faster version of the XRAI algorithm boolean True
approximation_method The approximation method to use for the integrated gradients algorithm string True ['gausslegendre', 'riemann_middle']
confidence_score_threshold_multilabel The confidence score threshold for multilabel classification explanations, above which the labels are selected for generating explanations number True
image_width_in_inches The width to resize the image to in inches number True
max_evals The maximum number of evaluations to run in shap's hierarchical image explainer. integer True
num_masks The number of masks to use for the DRISE image explainer for object detection. integer True
mask_res The resolution of the masks to use for the DRISE image explainer for object detection. integer True
dataset_type The type of image dataset to use, whether the images are on private azure blob storage or public urls string public ['private', 'public']


Name Description Type
dashboard Path to which RAIVisionInsights is serialized to for connecting to compute instance path
ux_json Json file to which UX is serialized to for viewing in static AzureML Studio UI path



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