components oss_distillation_validate_pipeline - Azure/azureml-assets GitHub Wiki

OSS Distillation Validate Pipeline



Component to validate inputs to the distillation pipeline

Version: 0.0.4

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Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
train_file_path Path to the registered training data asset. The supported data formats are jsonl, json, csv, tsv and parquet. uri_file
validation_file_path Path to the registered validation data asset. The supported data formats are jsonl, json, csv, tsv and parquet. uri_file True
teacher_model_endpoint_name Teacher model endpoint name string True
teacher_model_endpoint_url Teacher model endpoint URL string True
teacher_model_endpoint_key Teacher model endpoint key string True
teacher_model_max_new_tokens Teacher model max_new_tokens inference parameter integer 128
teacher_model_temperature Teacher model temperature inference parameter number 0.2
teacher_model_top_p Teacher model top_p inference parameter number 0.1
teacher_model_frequency_penalty Teacher model frequency penalty inference parameter number 0.0
teacher_model_presence_penalty Teacher model presence penalty inference parameter number 0.0
teacher_model_stop Teacher model stop inference parameter string True
request_batch_size No of data records to hit teacher model endpoint in one go integer 10
min_endpoint_success_ratio The minimum value of (successful_requests / total_requests) required for classifying inference as successful. If (successful_requests / total_requests) < min_endpoint_success_ratio, the experiment will be marked as failed. By default it is 0.7 (0 means all requests are allowed to fail while 1 means no request should fail.) number 0.7
enable_chain_of_thought Enable Chain of thought for data generation string false True
enable_chain_of_density Enable Chain of density for text summarization string false True
max_len_summary Maximum Length Summary for text summarization integer 80 True
data_generation_task_type Data generation task type. Supported values are: 1. NLI: Generate Natural Language Inference data 2. CONVERSATION: Generate conversational data (multi/single turn) 3. NLU_QA: Generate Natural Language Understanding data for Question Answering data 4. MATH: Generate Math data for numerical responses 5. SUMMARIZATION: Generate Key Summary for an Article string ['NLI', 'CONVERSATION', 'NLU_QA', 'MATH', 'SUMMARIZATION']
num_train_epochs training epochs integer 1 True
per_device_train_batch_size Train batch size integer 1 True
learning_rate Start learning rate. number 0.0003 True


Name Description Type
validation_info Validation status. uri_file



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