components batch_resource_manager - Azure/azureml-assets GitHub Wiki

Batch Inference Resource Manager



Resource Manager for batch inference.

Version: 0.0.8

View in Studio:


Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
wait_input uri_file True
endpoint_name The endpoint name or url. If not provided, the endpoint will be created. string True
deployment_name The deployment name. If not provided, the deployment will be created. string True
model Model name or model asset path. Only needed for managed deployment. string True
model_type Model name or model asset path. Only needed for managed deployment. string True ['oss', 'oai']
model_version Model version. If model asset path provided, this one can be optional. string True
is_finetuned_model If the model is a finetuned model. boolean False True
finetuned_subscription_id The subscription id for the finetuned model. string True
finetuned_resource_group The resource group for the finetuned model. string True
finetuned_workspace The workspace name for the finetuned model. string True
deployment_sku The sku for the deployment. Only needed for managed deployment. string True
deployment_env The env for the deployment. string True
endpoint_workspace The workspace name for the endpoint. If not provided, the same workspace of the run will be used. string True
endpoint_resource_group The resource group name for the endpoint. If not provided, the same resource group of the run will be used. string True
endpoint_subscription_id The subscription id for the endpoint. If not provided, the same subscription id of the run will be used. string True
endpoint_location The location for the endpoint. Only required for the AOAI endpoint. If not provided, the same location of the run will be used. string True
connections_name The connections name. string True
deletion_model If true, the managed resources created during the run will be deleted. boolean True True
do_quota_validation If doing quota valiation or not for AOAI model. boolean True True
redeploy_model If deploying the same model for OSS endpoint. boolean False True
use_max_quota If using max quota or not for AOAI model. boolean True True
deployment_metadata The deployment metadata directory that contains deployment details. uri_file True
finetuned_model_metadata The finetuned_model metadata contains finetuned model id. uri_file True
additional_deployment_env_vars additional deployment env vars string True
delete_managed_deployment If deleting the managed deployment. boolean True True
deployment_retries The number of retries for deployment. integer 1 True
deployment_retry_interval_seconds The interval seconds for deployment retry. integer 60 True
wait_finetuned_step If waiting the finetuned step to finish. boolean False True
finetuned_step_name The finetuned step name. string True


Name Description Type
output_metadata Path to the folder where the deployment metadata will be stored. uri_file



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