Settings - Azure/AzOps GitHub Wiki

In this guide

AzOps Settings

The following configuration values can be modified within the settings.json file to change the default behavior of AzOps.

ID Name Description Example
01 ApplicationInsights Turn on or off logging to Application Insight "Core.ApplicationInsights": true
02 AutoGeneratedTemplateFolderPath Generate sub folder for composite resources (/.az) "Core.AutoGeneratedTemplateFolderPath": ".az"
└── tenant root group (e42bc18f)
        ├── .az
        │      └── microsoft.management_managementgroups.json
        └── mymanagementgroup (mymanagementgroup)
                └── .az
                        ├── microsoft.authorization_policyassignments.json
                        ├── microsoft.authorization_policydefinitions.json
                        ├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments.json
                        └── microsoft.management_managementgroups.json
03 AutoInitialize Run Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment when module is loaded. Not recommended to change "Core.AutoInitialize": true
04 CustomTemplateResourceDeletion Turn on or off deletion of custom ARM and Bicep template resources "Core.CustomTemplateResourceDeletion": true
05 CustomJqTemplatePath Folder where custom Jq templates are located. "Core.CustomJqTemplatePath": ".customtemplates"
06 SkipCustomJqTemplate Do not use custom Jq templates, controls if AzOps looks for custom templates at CustomJqTemplatePath. Read more "Core.SkipCustomJqTemplate": true
07 DefaultDeploymentRegion Default region for deployments "Core.DefaultDeploymentRegion": "northeurope"
08 EnrollmentAccountPrincipalName Default enrollment account for Subscription creation "Core.EnrollmentAccountPrincipalName": ""
09 ExcludedSubOffer Exclude specific Subscription offer types from pull "Core.ExcludedSubOffer": ["AzurePass_2014-09-01","FreeTrial_2014-09-01","AAD_2015-09-01"]
10 ExcludedSubState Exclude specific states of Subscription from pull "Core.ExcludedSubState": ["Disabled","Deleted","Warned","Expired"]
11 IgnoreContextCheck Skip Azure PowerShell context validation. Not recommended to change "Core.IgnoreContextCheck": false
12 IncludeResourcesInResourceGroup Discover only resources in these resource groups "Core.IncludeResourcesInResourceGroup": ["rg1","rg2"]
13 IncludeResourceType Discover only specific resource types Resource Types (only targets Resource Group scoped resources) "Core.IncludeResourceType": ["Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones","Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies"]
14 InvalidateCache Invalidate cached Subscriptions and Management Groups and do a full discovery. Not recommended to change "Core.InvalidateCache": false
15 OfferType Default offer type for Subscription creation "Core.OfferType": "MS-AZR-0017P"
16 PartialMgDiscoveryRoot Generate folder hierachy for specific Management Groups IDs "Core.PartialMgDiscoveryRoot": []
17 SkipPim Do not include Privileged Identity Management resources in pull "Core.SkipPim": true
18 SkipLock Do not include ResourceLock resources in pull "Core.SkipLock": true
19 SkipPolicy Do not include Azure Policy state in pull "Core.SkipPolicy": false
20 SkipResource Do not include Resources within Resource Groups "Core.SkipResource": false
21 SkipChildResource Do not include Azure child resources "Core.SkipChildResource": false
22 SkipResourceGroup Do not include Resource Groups in pull "Core.SkipResourceGroup": false
23 SkipResourceType Skip specific Resource Types (only targets Resource Group scoped resources) "Core.SkipResourceType": ["Microsoft.VSOnline/plans"]
24 SkipRole Do not include Role types in pull "Core.SkipRole": false
25 State Folder to store AzOpsState artefact, defaults to root "Core.State: "/root"
26 SubscriptionsToIncludeChildResource Filter which Subscription IDs should include child resources in pull "Core.SubscriptionsToIncludeChildResource": ["*"]
27 SubscriptionsToIncludeResourceGroups Filter which Subscription IDs should include Resource Groups in pull Logic Updated in v2.0.0 "Core.SubscriptionsToIncludeResourceGroups": ["*"]
28 TemplateParameterFileSuffix Default template file suffix. Not recommended to change "Core.TemplateParameterFileSuffix": ".json"
29 AllowMultipleTemplateParameterFiles Control multiple parameter file behaviour. Not recommended to change "Core.AllowMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false
30 DeployAllMultipleTemplateParameterFiles Control base template deployment behaviour with changes and un-changed multiple corresponding parameter files. "Core.DeployAllMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false
31 MultipleTemplateParameterFileSuffix Multiple parameter file suffix identifier. Example mytemplate.x1.bicepparam "Core.MultipleTemplateParameterFileSuffix": ".x"
32 ParallelDeployMultipleTemplateParameterFiles Control parallel deployment of MultipleTemplateParameterFiles behaviour "Core.ParallelDeployMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false
33 ThrottleLimit Value declaring number of parallel threads. Read more "Core.ThrottleLimit": 5
34 WhatifExcludedChangeTypes Exclude specific change types from WhatIf operations "Core.WhatifExcludedChangeTypes": ["NoChange","Ignore"]

Workflow / Pipeline Settings

The following settings can be modified as variables inside GitHub or Azure DevOps and will affect how the workflow or pipeline is run.

  • AZOPS_MODULE_VERSION Set this to the version of the AzOps module you want to use. If the variable is missing, the latest version will be used. Typically used to pin the version of the module to a specific version and update to new versions at a controlled manner. Make sure to have a process to continously update this variable if it is set.

  • AZOPS_CUSTOM_SORT_ORDER Set this variable to true to enable custom sort ordering. When enabled, create a file named .order in a folder where you want to control the deployment order of templates. Any file that is listed by name in .order will will be deployed before other files and in the order that they are listed.

Workflow Settings in GitHub

Settings in GitHub are configured as Secrets by navigating to Settings -> Secrets -> Actions as described in GitHub Secrets.

Pipeline Settings in Azure DevOps

Settings in Azure DevOps are configured as variable groups, as described in Azure DevOps Variable Groups.

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