ResourceDeletion - Azure/AzOps GitHub Wiki

AzOps Resource Deletion


AzOps Resource Deletion at a high level enables two scenarios.

  1. Deletion of AzOps generated File of supported resource type, resulting in AzOps removes the corresponding resource in Azure.
  2. Deletion of Custom Template, resulting in AzOps removes the corresponding resource in Azure.
flowchart TD
    A[(Main Branch)] --> B[(1.Delete Branch)]
    B -- Remove Template Files --> C([2. filename.json])
    C --> D([3. Commit])
    D --> B
    B -- Pull Request to Main ----> E(((4. AzOps - Validate
    E -- git diff --- A
    E ---> F[5. Invoke-AzOpsPush -WhatIf:$true]
    E -- Merge ---> A
    A -- Automated trigger----> G(((6. AzOps - Push
    G -- git diff --- A
    G --> H[7. Invoke-AzOpsPush -WhatIf:$false]

Deletion of AzOps generated File

By removing a AzOps generated file of a supported resource type AzOps removes the corresponding resource in Azure.

Supported resource types include: locks, policyAssignments, policyDefinitions, policyExemptions, policySetDefinitions, roleAssignments and resourceGroups in Azure.

  • For any other AzOps - Pull generated resource deletion is not supported by AzOps at this time.

Please Note

  • SPN used for deletion/change action, requires below actions in its role definition. Choose which combination best suites your implementation.
    Microsoft.Authorization/* OR  * (For everything)
  • For Azure Locks removal
  • For Azure Policy Assignment removal
  • For Azure Policy Definition removal
  • For Azure Policy Exemption removal
  • For Azure Policy SetDefinition removal
  • For Azure Role Assignment removal
  • For Azure Resource group removal

Deletion dependency validation

When deletion of a supported object is sent to AzOps it evaluates to ensure resource dependencies are included in the deletion job. If a dependency is missing the module will throw (exit with error) and post the result of missing dependencies to the pull request conversation asking you to add it and try again.

Please Note: For the validation pipeline to fail in the manner intended (applicable to implementations created prior to AzOps release v1.9.0)

Ensure the results job "if" logic exists in your validate.yml

- name: "Results"
    if: always()
    shell: bash

Deletion dependency validation scenario

Scenario: Deletion of a policy definition and policy assignment where the assignment is referencing the policy definition.

  • Create branch
    • Delete policy definition file from branch.
  • Create pull request
    • Validation pipeline evaluates input and discovers there is a policy assignment with dependency towards the definition and the assignment is not part of the pull request.
    • Validation pipelines throws and posts results back to pull request conversation for user remediation.
  • Two options:
    • a) In the branch delete the dependent file corresponding to the resulting error.
    • b) Delete the dependency in Azure and re-run validation.

Deletion of Custom Template

Deletion of custom templates is a opt-in feature that you need to enable see.

Once enabled, deletion of yourCustomTemplate.bicep, yourCustomTemplate.bicepparam, yourCustomTemplate.json or yourCustomTemplate.parameters.json results in AzOps attempting deletion of the resolved Azure resources.

How does AzOps attempt deletion of custom template?

flowchart TD
    A(((Invoke-AzOpsPush))) --> B[Validate Template
    B -- Failed --> K[Skip]
    B -- Success --> C[Resolve template files]
    C -- No template found --> D
    C -- Found template
    filename.json --> D[Sort Templates
    Attempt locks before other resources]
    D --> E[(Process templates for deletion in series)]
    E -- Success ---> A
    E --> F([Identify resources within template by attempting a WhatIf deployment and gather returned resource ids])
    F --> G([Attempt resource deletion for each identified resource id])
    G -- Success ---> E
    G -- Fail --> H([If resource fails deletion, recursively retry deletion in different order])
    H -- Success ---> E
    H -- Fail --> I([For resources still failing deletion, collect them for a last deletion attempt, once all other templates are processed])
    I -- Success ---> A
    I --Fail --> J([If resource deletion still fails, module will log error and throw])
    J --Fail ---> A

Enable Deletion of Custom Template

Set the Core.CustomTemplateResourceDeletion value in settings.json to true.

AzOps - Push will now evaluate and attempt deletion of corresponding resource (from template) in Azure when a custom template is deleted.

Integration with AzOps Accelerator

The AzOps Accelerator pipelines (including Git Hub Actions & Azure Pipelines) incorporates the execution of resource deletion.

Conditional logic has been implemented to call Invoke-AzOpsPush with required change set in case of resource deletion operation, while existing logic without resource deletion remains same.


How to Add AzOps Resource Deletion to existing AzOps Push and Validate pipelines

Applicable to implementations created prior to AzOps release v1.6.0

  1. Update the AzOps - Push pipeline by copying content from the latest upstream push.yml file into your existing file.
  2. Update the AzOps - Validate pipeline by copying content from the latest upstream validate.yml file into your existing file.