Monitoring - Azure/AzOps GitHub Wiki

In this Guide


The AzOps module generates various logs and metrics to console during execution. The verbosity level is controlled by the numeric value of Message.Info.Maximum in settings.json. Lower values, like 1, indicate minimal information, while 9 indicates the highest verbosity (read more about the different levels).

Note: The default verbosity level is 3, and increasing it may negatively affect runtime performance.

Troubleshooting AzOps

During normal operations, the default verbosity level is sufficient. However, when troubleshooting, it is advisable to increase the verbosity to at least 5 or 8. Going up to 9 makes the module very noisy (read more).

Operationalize monitoring and logging of AzOps

Monitoring and logging takes a leap forward with the capability for AzOps to seamlessly transmit logs to Azure Monitor Application Insights. This integration enhances near real-time visibility, analysis, and optimization, contributing to a more responsive and efficient Azure operational environment.

Transaction search

AzOps uses TrackTrace to create a "breadcrumb trail" in Application Insights. Warnings and errors are emitted as TrackException for diagnosis, and each message generates a TrackEvent. Metrics are emitted as TrackMetric, such as AzOpsPush Time and AzOpsPull Time in seconds.

Note: This is useful for tracking performance, key metrics, and exceptions over time. It is particularly helpful when running the module with several parallel threads (Core.ThrottleLimit > 1), as console output may not work well in parallel. Emitting information to Azure Monitor Application Insights can overcome this without adjusting Core.ThrottleLimit.

Enable Application Insights Monitoring

  1. Create an Application Insights resource.

  2. Add a secret named APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTIONSTRING (in GitHub or Azure Pipelines) and enter the connection string for your Application Insights resource (find your connection string).

    Note: Create the APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTIONSTRING secret in the same location where you already have ARM_TENANT_ID. If you are using Azure Pipelines, remember to set the variable type to secret.

    Note: AzOps utilizes the connection string as a secret to authenticate. This requires that local authentication is enabled on the Application Insights resource (due to the high performance impact of Application Insights Microsoft Entra ID-based authentication).

    Note: AzOps emits each log event immediately as it happens to ensure messages are not lost. This means each event generates a service call to Application Insights that needs to be authenticated. No batching or schedule is used.

  3. Set the Core.ApplicationInsights value in settings.json to true. AzOps will emit logs to both the console and the designated Azure Monitor Application Insights.

Please Note: For this to work with GitHub in the manner intended (applicable to implementations created prior to AzOps release v2.5.0)

Ensure the Credentials section is up-to-date and exists in your pull.yml, push.yml, redeploy.yml, validate.yml files.

  # Credentials


Create Alert Rules

Once monitoring is enabled, implement two essential alert rules using the powerful capabilities of Azure Monitor alerts.

  1. Create a metric alert rule with the condition based on the native exceptions signal.

    • Set a static threshold value of 0 to trigger the alert when the module logs any exception (Warning, Error, Critical).
    • Recommended alert detail severity: Warning. Condition Signal Exceptions
  2. Create a log alert rule with the condition based on the native Custom log search signal.

    • Use the search query traces | where severityLevel between (3 .. 4) to trigger the alert for Error or Critical events.
    • Enhance the alert by splitting dimensions based on the dimension name message and ensure to check include all future values.
    • Recommended alert detail severity: Critical. Condition Signal Exceptions