Azure Artifacts - Azure/AzOps GitHub Wiki

In this guide




Repository - Import



Repository - Sync

Add the repository permissions

This is to allow the Sync pipeline to keep the repository up to date

  • Navigate to the repository permissions
  • Select the 'Project' Build Service ('Organisation') user account
  • Set Allow on the Contribute option

Create the pipeline

  • Browse to the Azure Pipelines section
  • Select Create Pipeline
  • Select Azure Repos Git
  • Select the repository
  • Select Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file
  • Select /.pipelines/sync.yml
  • Select the arrow next to Run and Save
  • Select the three dots on the top right
  • Select Rename/move pipelines
  • Update the name to Sync or other desire

Run the pipelines

  • Run the sync pipeline and validate there aren't any errors
  • The sync stage should display Already up to date. and Everything up-to-date in the logs

Artifacts - Release

Create the feed

  • Navigate to the Azure Artifacts
  • Select Create Feed
  • Provide a name, this will be used later in the release pipeline
  • Select default options
  • Select organization scope

Add the feed permissions

  • Navigate to the created feed
  • Add the Example Build Service (lytill) account as a contributor
  • Add the AzTest Build Service (lytill) account as a contributor

Create the pipeline

  • Browse to the Azure Pipelines section
  • Select Create Pipeline
  • Select Azure Repos Git
  • Select the repository
  • Select Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file
  • Select /.pipelines/release.yml
  • Select Variables
  • Select New variable
  • Add a new variable named FEED_NAME with the name of the feeds
  • Add the value from the previous section and Save
  • Select the arrow next to Run and Save
  • Select the three dots on the top right
  • Select Rename/move pipelines
  • Update the name to Release or other desire
  • Edit the Release pipeline
  • Select the three dots on the top right
  • Select Triggers
  • Select Override the YAML continuous integration trigger from here
  • Select Disable continuous integration
  • Select arrow and Save

Run the pipeline

  • Run the release pipeline to upload the first verrsions of the


Azure Pipelines

- task: PowerShell@2
  displayName: "Dependencies"
    targetType: "inline"
    script: |
      $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("$(System.AccessToken)",(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $(System.AccessToken) -AsPlainText -Force))
      Register-PackageSource -Name 'AzureArtifacts' -ProviderName 'PowerShellGet' -Location{orgName}/_packaging/{feedName}/nuget/v2/ -Credential $credential
      $module = Find-Module -Name AzOps -AllowPrerelease -Repository 'AzureArtifacts' -Credential $credential
      $module.Dependencies | ForEach-Object { Install-Module -Name $_.Name -RequiredVersion $_.MinimumVersion -Repository 'AzureArtifacts' -Credential $credential -Force }
      Install-Module -Name AzOps -AllowPrerelease -Repository 'AzureArtifacts' -Credential $credential -Force