Dependencies - Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator GitHub Wiki
The unsorted list of used libraries. Many thanks to authors:
- D3.js v.5 by Mike Bostock and contributors
- Delaunator by Vladimir Agafonkin
- Polylabel by Vladimir Agafonkin
- Lineclip by Vladimir Agafonkin
- Priority-queue by Adam Hooper
- Quantize by Nick Rabinowitz
- jQuery and jQuery-ui by jQuery team
- Three.js by mrdoob and Three.js contributors
- OrbitControls by qiao, mrdoob, alteredq, WestLangley, erich666 and ScieCode
- Pell by Jared Reich
- JSZip by Stuart Knightley, David Duponchel, Franz Buchinger and António Afonso
- aleaPRNG by Johannes Baagøe