Get the Parquet files into staging layer from landing zone - Ayush810/NYC-TAXI-Yellow GitHub Wiki

Get the Parquet files into staging layer from landing zone

Pipeline from landing to staging

create a new pipeline (pl_stg_processing_nyctaxi)

Goto -> Pipeline Activity -> add -> copy data Activity

Goto -> General -> Rename it to -> Copy to staging

then Go to Source tab of the activity -> and inside connections select your Lakehouse (Project Lakehouse)

and the Select Root option & Cheque Files and then goto file path and enter your file path and filename with its file extensions as shown below

I have selected only one file 2024-01 only rest of the files i want to upload with an automated process through via pipeline

Now Go to -> File format -> select your file type = Parquete

now i want to automate the uploading process Goto - file path and and instead of file name click below on **Add Dynamic content **

A new window will appear click on Variable and then click on (+) icon to add a variable

Add a variable v_date of type string

now go to functions inside string functions select concat and then do this-> @concat(yellow_tripdata_,variables('v_date'),'parquet') (Here in this code i am concatenating the file name with year and month they have (V_date variable will store the date part))

Now set the destination for the activity which your project warehouse goto -> Table-> write your schema name (stg) and table name = nyctaxi_yellow

Now unselect the copy activity

Go to variables option in below provide v_date a default value 2024-01 (This will be starting date)

now validate the activity the (Save + run)

Now if you go back to to you warehouse you will see a table there

Now check the mamximum & minimum tpep_picup date time to verify weather the data is correct or not SELECT MAX(tpep_pickup_datetime),min(tpep_dropoff_datetime) FROM stg.nyctaxi_yellow

in output it seems like it has data till year 2002 now we need to do some cleaning or filter this data

so i am adding an additional step to filter out these records i am adding an stored procedure which will remove all the records accept for the month we want to process

CREATE PROCEDURE stg.data_cleaning_stg @end_date DATETIME2, @start_date DATETIME2 AS DELETE FROM stg.nyctaxi_yellow WHERE tpep_pickup_datetime <@start_date or tpep_pickup_datetime >@end_date;

Now go to your pipeline pl_stg_processing_nyctaxi add an stored procedure activity in there

now rename the activty in general option = SP Removing outlier dates

goto -> settings -> connections -> select project warehouse

goto stored procedure name option -> click on refresh -> select your stored procedure name in my case it was (stg.data_cleaning_stg)

now just below that click on Import ->

deactivate both the existing activities

add new Set Variable Activity in pipeline

goto -> settings -> add variable name = v_end_date Type = "string"

goto values -> click add dynamic content -> now goto -> pipeline expression builder and add this code to supply the value to the variable and adter concat add your previsously created v_date variable inside it.


now validate the activity and (Save + run ) and check the activity output

it should retun february 1, 2024 as date

goto -> general -> rename the activity as v_end_date

now go back to the stored procedure activity under import -> end_date -> goto -> values -> add dynamic content -> go to variables -> select V_end_date

Now goto Start_date -> values -> add dynamic content -> under pipeline expression builder -> write this activity code -> @concat(variables('v_date'),'-01')

Now goto copy data activity -> Destnation -> Advanced -> Pre copy script (enter this code to delete the data in the staging table everytime this pipeline runs)

delete from stg.nyctaxi_yellow

Now i also want to modify the destination in table options -> select Use existing table > select table name below dropdown -> stg.nyctaxi_yellow and then validate the pipline and save + run

So now if you go back to your warehouse and reexecute the query

SELECT MAX(tpep_pickup_datetime),min(tpep_dropoff_datetime) FROM stg.nyctaxi_yellow

you will see the correct dates as min or max

now i wanted to create a metadata table where i can store information related to pipelines and rows processed by them and i also want to store the latest tpep_pickup_datetime and rows proceesing time

Here from this query you can find out the sample structure of the table

SELECT 'placeholder' as pipeline_run_id, 'staging_nyctaxi_yellow' as table_processed, count(*) as rows_processed_date, MAX(tpep_pickup_datetime) as latest_processed_pickup, current_timestamp as processed_datetime FROM stg.nyctaxi_yellow

Now to create this table i will create a separate schema


and then i will create the table

CREATE TABLE metadata.processing_log ( pipeline_run_id VARCHAR(255), table_processed VARCHAR(255), rows_processed int, latest_processed_pickup DATETIME2(6), processed_datetime datetime2(6) );

Now i will crate a stored procedure to insert data into metadata.processing_log table

Create PROCEDURE metadata.insert_staging_metadata @pipeline_run_id VARCHAR(255), @table_name varchar(255), @processed_date DATETIME2 AS INSERT INTO metadata.processing_log (pipeline_run_id,table_processed,rows_processed,latest_processed_pickup, processed_datetime) SELECT @pipeline_run_id as pipeline_id, @table_name as table_processed, count(*) as rows_processed, MAX(tpep_pickup_datetime) as latest_processed_pickup, @processed_date as processed_datetime FROM stg.nyctaxi_yellow

Now go back to the pipeline pl_stg_processing_nyc_taxi

And add a stored procedure activity

rename it -> SP Loading Staging Metadata settings -> connections -> select project warehouse under stored procedure name - click refresh -> and select stored procedure name metadata.insert_staging_metadata now Click on -> Import ->

For the pipeline_run_id -> add dynamic content -> system variable -> select pipeline run id For the processed_date -> add dynamic content -> system variable -> pipeline trigger time For the table_name - -> just type -> staging_nyctaxi_yellow

Now validate the activity and run it

Now go to Copy data activity and inside variable tab you will find the v_date Default value is hard coded now we want to update the value dynmically

now Add an Script Activity in pipeline

Under General -> rename it to = Latest processed Data and on the settings for the connection select you warehouse (Project warehouse in my case ) go to -> query -> edit icon -> write the query to pickup the lates date

select top 1 latest_processed_pickup

from metadata.processing_log where table_processed = 'staging_nyctaxi_yellow'

order by latest_processed_pickup desc;

Now validate and run the activity

now if you will check the output of that pipeline you will get the date as an output

now i want store this date value in a variable

so ADD an **set variable Activity ** in pipeline

Rename it -> v_date goto -> settings -> Name -> select v_date -> in value -> add dynamic content -> go to activity output - > Latest processed data -> now got to pipeline expression builder and write the below code

@formatDateTime(addToTime(activity('Latest Processed Data').output.resultSets[0].rows[0].Latest_processed_pickup,1,'Month'),'yyyy-MM')

Now your pipeline is ready click on home and save your pipeline do not run it for now otherwise it will add the data for febrary too.