Log (Emre Bolat) - AyranIsTheNewRaki/Herodot GitHub Wiki

Task Week # Issue # Expected (hours) Start Date End Date Duration (hours)
Repository Creation #1 -- 0.5 11.02.2017 11.02.2017 0.5
Web Annotation Research #1 #3 1 12.02.2017 12.02.2017 1
Wiki Page Creation #1 -- 1 12.02.2017 12.02.2017 1
Spring Boot Security Research #2 -- 3 19.02.2017 19.02.2017 5
Create a Contributing Guideline #3 #10 2 21.02.2017 21.02.2017 2.5
Web Annotation APIs Research #4 -- 3 04.03.2017 04.03.2017 2
Test 3rd Party Annotation APIs #5 -- 2 12.03.2017 12.03.2017 2.5
Create a token based backend project #6 #7 5 19.03.2017 19.03.2017 7
Coding for backend #7 -- 7 24.03.2017 25.03.2017 9
Annotation API Examples and Research #8 -- 3 01.04.2017 01.04.2017 2
Annotation API Proof of Concept Coding #9 -- 5 08.04.2017 08.04.2017 5.5
Google Maps Plugin Research #10 -- 2 16.04.2017 16.04.2017 1
Coding of Backend API - CRUD Operations for Heritage #12 -- 7 30.04.2017 01.05.2017 8
TOTAL -- -- 41.5 -- -- 47.0