Testing Feature Tests - AutolabJS/autolabcli GitHub Wiki

A Software feature can be defined as the changes made in the system to add new functionality or modify the existing functionality. Each feature is said to have a characteristics that is designed to be useful, intuitive and effective. It is important to test a new feature when it has been added. We also need to make sure that it does not break the functionality of already existing features. Hence feature tests prove to be useful.

There are different ways to test a feature, but we prefer a BDD approach. This helps us to first describe the behavior of a new feature, preferably in a human understandable language. This helps us clearly define what the feature is expected to do. We can then code the functionality of the feature to fulfill these expectations.

We use the Cucumber.js framework to write the feature tests. More about Cucumber tests will be covered in Cucumber section.


  1. http://mkolisnyk.github.io/cucumber-reports/coverage-report