Feature List - AuchnotOuch/API-Project GitHub Wiki

User Authentication

  • A user can create an account with a username, email, and password. The information provided will be validated, and if they provide invalid data, will be shown what didn't pass validations.
  • Users can demo the site by logging in as a demo user and test all features.
  • Existing users can log in and view account details, including spots they own and reviews they have made on spots.
  • Logged in users can view spots they own and edit them as well as reviews they have made and edit them as well.


  • Upon landing on site, anyone can see spots available around the world to book.
  • Users can select a spot and view images and reviews for that spot.
  • Users can create a spot and add images of the spot.


  • Users can provide reviews with stars and images for a spot.
  • Users can edit and delete a review.
  • Users can view all reviews for a spot
  • Users can view all personal reviews given to any spots