Song Collection - AttiliaTheHun/Songbook-Manager GitHub Wiki

Song Collection

The songbook is defined as a collection of songs. Each song is stored in a separate HTML file and on the top of that each song has a record in the database.

Song Record

A song record consists of the following fields:


name is a string of text. It is not required but blank names can lead to a lot of confusion.


id is an integer. It is required but in the Standard Collection the Collection Manager deals with song ids internally and the user can affect them only by manually changing the record in collection.json and renaming the corresponding .html file. This action is not recommended for it can easily break the songbook.


url is a string of text representing a web address. It is intended for a youtube video of performance of the given song. This url can then be opened from the Main Window by utilising the keyboard shortcut CTLR + O. This property is not required and defaults to an empty string.


active is a boolean (true/false). When a song is marked as not active (active is on false), it will not be displayed in the WebView or included into the export file. It is a required property which defaults to true;

It is recommended to deactivate songs instead of deleting them, because you may later reactivate them by clicking a single button, compared to the effort of creating the song all over again.

Collection Editor

Collection Editor is a window you can open through the Edit button in the menu of the Main Window. It is located under the label Collection.

From the Collection Editor you can manage your songs. You can edit their records or delete them and of course you can add new songs. obrazek

First you need to select a song in the list and then you can use the toolbar buttons. Your selected song is marked by blue background. Songs that are marked as not active are displayed with dark gray background.