Writeup: Advent of Cyber 3 Day 7 - AtomicMaya/knowledge-base GitHub Wiki

Advent of Cyber - Day 7

Link: Advent Of Cyber 3 on TryHackMe

Question 1

Interact with the MongoDB server to find the flag. What is the flag?

Launch mongo in the terminal.

show databases
use flagdb

Answer: THM{8814a5e6662a963f7df23ee59d944f9}

Question 2

We discussed how to bypass login pages as an admin. Can you log into the application that Grinch Enterprise controls as admin and retrieve the flag?

Use the knowledge given in AoC3 day 4 to setup and run Burp Suite proxy to intercept the HTTP request for the login page. Then modify the POST parameter.

First we open BurpSuite, activate the Proxy in Firefox, then visit the provided IP.

We then try to login and intercept the request and modify it to become username=admin&password[$ne]=meep, then forward it accordingly.

We then visit the flag page to get the following.

Answer: THM{b6b304f5d5834a4d089b570840b467a8}

Question 3

Once you are logged in, use the gift search page to list all usernames that have guest roles. What is the flag?

We can start a request, which will put us at the endpoint http://$ip/search?username=test&role=user, which we can modify like so: http://$ip/search?username[$ne]=meep&role=guest.

Answer: THM{2ec099f2d602cc4968c5267970be1326}

Question 4

Use the gift search page to perform NoSQL injection and retrieve the mcskidy record. What is the details record?

We can modify the previous request like so (assuming once more the keyword meep is not in use in production): http://$ip/search?username=mcskidy&role[$ne]=meep

Answer: ID:6184f516ef6da50433f100f4:mcskidy:admin