Tools and Debugging - Atmosplay/AtmosplayAds-iOS GitHub Wiki


This documentation is provided for compliance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
If you are collecting consent from your users, you can use this APIs discussed below to inform Atmosplay Ads.
Get more information, please visit our official website.

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
    /// The user has granted consent for personalized ads.
    /// The user has granted consent for non-personalized ads.
    /// The user has neither granted nor declined consent for personalized or non-personalized ads.
} PlayableAdsConsentStatus;

[[PlayableAdsGDPR sharedGDPRManager] updatePlayableAdsConsentStatus:PlayableAdsConsentStatusPersonalized];

Test ID

You can use the following test ID when testing. Test ID won't generate any revenue, please use official ID when you release your App.

OS Ad_type App_ID Ad_Unit_ID
iOS Rewarded video A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA BAE5DAAC-04A2-2591-D5B0-38FA846E45E7
iOS Intertitial A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA 0868EBC0-7768-40CA-4226-F9924221C8EB
iOS Native Managed Rendering A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA DC9E199C-7C0B-FBFC-7E5A-26E7B5EE6BB3
iOS Native Self Rendering A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA 25AED008-6B6F-BADB-F873-AE7CA61DFE98
iOS Banner A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA A49521F3-339D-994F-FC80-F9C4170AA0CF
iOS Float Ad A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA CF41E96F-D020-2AD1-9144-396D2585915E
iOS Window Ad A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA 5D6D4B21-45B0-F76E-580C-F975B47C0388
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️