Debugging - Atmosplay/AtmosplayAds-Android GitHub Wiki

Test ID

You can use the following testing id when you are testing. Testing id won't generate revenue. Please use official id when you release your App.

Banner 5C5419C7-A2DE-88BC-A311-C3E7A646F6AF F22F347B-3D57-0C70-0B13-EFCFDF402EBA
Reward Video 5C5419C7-A2DE-88BC-A311-C3E7A646F6AF 3FBEFA05-3A8B-2122-24C7-A87D0BC9FEEC
Interstitial 5C5419C7-A2DE-88BC-A311-C3E7A646F6AF 19393189-C4EB-3886-60B9-13B39407064E
Native Managed Rendering 5C5419C7-A2DE-88BC-A311-C3E7A646F6AF 0246FB55-3042-9F29-D4AB-21C6349EEE83
Native Self Rendering 5C5419C7-A2DE-88BC-A311-C3E7A646F6AF BB8452AD-06E7-140B-00DC-FD6CB6B40FAA
FloatAd 5C5419C7-A2DE-88BC-A311-C3E7A646F6AF 6324B007-21F2-963D-8514-977390BBD341
WindowAd 5C5419C7-A2DE-88BC-A311-C3E7A646F6AF 86B87233-E2EF-C428-A35B-C736E23C8515

Error Code and Description

state code description notes
1001 request constructed error error occurrs while constructing the request parameter, unable to get device token(any of adversting_id, android_id, imei, mac_addr)
1002 request parameters error request parameter does not match, please check whether APP_ID, UNIT_ID has been passed correctly
1003 lack of WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE unable to write file to device, unable to cache advertising material
2002 preload finished ad had been preloaded
2004 ads has filled ad is loading or has been loaded
2005 no ad no ad returned from server
2006 no connection error can not connect to the internet, check the internet connection
2007 timeout error network connection timeout, check network or switch network and retry request
2008 server error an exception may occur in advertisement service, please try again later
5001 context is null context is null, please check whether context has been passed correctly
5002 network error network error


If you have any problems during the process of integration, or if you found any issue in the SDK, please feel free to ask questions and push an issue