Using the build in WebSocket Protocol - Atmosphere/atmosphere GitHub Wiki

When using WebSockets, you can enable a really simple WebSocket Sub-Protocol to pass, along with a WebSocket messages, some URI which are used by Atmosphere to dispatch to the appropriate resource. The first steps is to enable the sub-protocol on the SimpleHttpProtocol:


The path can be any character and that will be used to find the websocket message. On the client side, you enable it by doing:

    var request = { url: document.location.toString() + 'chat',
                    webSocketUrl : '/a URI relative to the url value',
                    webSocketPathDelimiter : "@@" }

For example,

    var request = { url: document.location.toString() + 'chat',
                    webSocketUrl : '/room1',
                    webSocketPathDelimiter : "@@" }


   var subSock = $.atmosphere.subscribe(request);
   subSock.push("hello room1");

will match the @Post method of:

 public class ResourceChat {

    @Suspend(contentType = "application/json")
    public String suspend() {
       return "";

     @Broadcast(writeEntity = false)
     public Response broadcast(Message message) {
          return new Response(, message.message);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️