Improving Performance by using the PoolableBroadcasterFactory - Atmosphere/atmosphere GitHub Wiki

PoolableBroadcasterFactory (2.3.0+)

The DefaultBroadcasterFactory keeps references to all created Broadcasters, and for applications that heavily creates new Broadcasters, executing the retrieval operation can cause serious performance issues. If your application creates a lot of Broadcasters, you can take a look at the PoolableBroadcasterFactory, which can be used to significantly improve throughput of an application. By default, Apache Commons Pool2 is used, so you need to add the following dependency:


Next, in your web.xml, define:


By default the PoolableBroadcastFactory uses an unbounded Apache commons-pool2 implementation. There is also a bounded version available.

Finally, you can configure or define your own pool provider by adding in web.xml:

    <param-value>your class that implements org.atmosphere.pool.PoolableProvider</param-value>

For example, to use the BoundedApachePoolableProvider, set


and then it max size


The complete implementation can be found here.

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