Configuring Atmosphere for the Cloud - Atmosphere/atmosphere GitHub Wiki

An Atmosphere Application can be deployed on the cloud and/or inside a cluster. All you need to do to is to set the appropriate Broadcaster in web/application.xml.


By default, Atmosphere is using the DefaultBroadcaster, which only broadcast events in memory. Enabling one of the Broadcaster described below allow servers/nodes to communicate events between them, e.g when a broadcast operation occurs in on server, the event will also be distributed to other servers. To enable cluster/cloud broadcast, add the following:

   <param-value> --- Broadcaster Name --- </param-value>

or add the jar in your classpath and Atmosphere will auto discover it.

The available Broadcasters are:


BroadcasterCache delivers message broadcasted before the client reconnects. Using a BroadcasterCache will guarantee that no message will be lost. The framework comes with its default reference implementation which is UUIDBroadcasterCache. If atmosphere is clustered, then you need to provide a mechanism that updates the cache when a broadcast is sent from another server.


AtmosphereResourceSession provide a simple way to bind properties to an atmosphere resource (identified with a UUID). The DefaultAtmosphereResourceSession provided by atmosphere is based on a memory map and is not reflected to other JVM running an Atmosphere instance. Make sure you are not using any session in your application, otherwise, you need to implement a replication mechanism.

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