UI Overview - AtlasOfLivingAustralia/profile-hub GitHub Wiki
Main landing page
Lists all public collections
Quick search: search for a profile name across all collections
Private collections can only be seen if you log in, and you have been registered with the collection
ALA contact details (facebook, twitter, email)
General usage
Click the logo of the collection you want
Collection landing Page
Descriptive text can be changed by the administrator
Glossary: uploaded and maintained by the collection administrator
About: content can be maintained by the collection administrator
General about text
Citation instructions (see administration section)
Banner image can be changed by the collection administrator
Profiles in collection: total number of active (not archived) profiles in the collection
Mismatched names: number & percent of profiles where the name either does not exist in the NSL (no match), or is not exactly the same as the matched name from the NSL
Collection editors: number of users who have permission to create or modify profiles in this collection
Updates this month: number of profiles that have been created/edited this month
Most recent update: the most recently edited or created profile - mouse over to see the user and date
Quick search: performs a wildcard search against profile names. If there is only a single result, Enter will navigate to the profile
Browse by category: shows taxonomic breakdown of the profiles
Note: profiles that have not been matched to an ALA record may not be visible, as the system will not be able to determine the taxonomy for the proflie.
Only visible if the administrator has selected a KeyBase project
Allows the user to find a profile using the dichotomous keys from KeyBase
Clicking the Key icon will step into a lower-level key
Clicking the scientific name will navigate to the profile page (if one exists - there is not necessarily a profile for each name in the key)
Logo and descriptive text can be modified by the collection administrator
Facebook, Twitter and Email contacts can be set by the collection administrator
Profile View page
Read-only view of the profile - visible to anyone (unless the collection is Private)
Collection administrator can control the source for occurrence records for the map
The 'primary image' can be selected by the Profile Editor (defaults to the first image retrieved)
Nomenclature and protologue are retrieved from the NSL
Map, images, statuses, taxonomy are retrieved from the ALA
Additional ALA image resources can be controlled by the collection administrator (e.g. Australian Plant Image Index)
View in Australian Virtual Herbarium can be changed by the collection administrator (e.g. NZ Flora would point to the NZ Virtual Herbarium)
Copyright text at the bottom of each page can be set by the collection administrator
Options menu
General users will have Export as PDF: allows the generation of a PDF containing selected elements from the profile.
NOT intended for citation purposes (see section on versions)
Profile Editors will also have Edit option
Key tab
Only visible if the collection administrator has selected a KeyBase project
Will show the 'closest' key to the species: this depends on the structure of the keys in KeyBase.
Profile Editors
On the collection landing page, there is an option to Add a new Profile
Presents a popup for the Profile Name
Names need to be checked for a match against ALA and the NSL
You can still create a profile without a match: the profile will not have any information that is sourced from the matched name (e.g. NSL concept)
Once created, you will be presented with the Profile Edit page
Titles can be free-text, or from a controlled vocabulary. This is configured by the collection administrator.
Text can include basic HTML formatting.
Attributes form the core description of the profile
Source: optional field containing the source (citation) of the information. Will be displayed below the text on the View page.
Significant Edit: only visible if the collection administrator has elected to show contributors and editors for attributes (see Administration section)
If selected, will prompt the user for the name of the person to be credited for the change: defaults to the editor, but can be overridden if it was a third party.
This will result in the name being displayed on the View page below the text.
Show history: displays a list of all changes made to the attribute, with the editor and date. Highlights difference between them.
Revert will replace the current text with the text from the history.
Delete attribute: will remove the attribute from the profile
Allows the selection of the naming concept for this profile
Will be displayed below the profile name on the view page
Contains a list of available concepts from the NSL based on the matched name.
If the name was not matched against the NSL then the list will be empty.
Allows addition of links to external sources of information
Biodiversity Heritage Library references
More specific type of link, to add a reference to the BHL
Another specific type link, to add a reference to a specimen from the ALA's Biocache
Allows for formatted citations of sources of information for the profile
Conservation & sensitivity lists
Not editable
Shows all ALA Species Lists containing the profile name
Collection administrators can nominate lists to be displayed
Not editable
Shows Conservation Status where available (from the ALA)
Shows any other status information from ALA Species Lists nominated by the collection administrator
e.g. The collection administrator could upload a list of Bio Statuses to the ALA List Tool (lists.ala.org.au), then select that list on the collection administration page. Then the Status section for all profiles would display the bio status.
Not editable
Shows the taxonomic structure based on the matched name. If the name was not matched then this section will be empty.
If a profile exists for an item in the taxonomy, then the name will be a link to that profile
The list icon beside each name displays a list of all profiles under that taxon
Lists all images available from the collection's image sources (additional sources can be configured by the collection administrator)
Allows the editor to nominate the 'primary image' to be displayed at the top of the page, and to exclude any images he/she does not wish to display on the profile
New images can be uploaded.
Point-in-time representations of the profile
Intended for citation purposes
Creates a PDF copy of the profile, including all dynamic content such as maps and images, at that point in time.
Also creates a permanent reference called a DOI (digital object identifier) which can be cited
Currently disabled in production until citation and copyright rules, and the PDF layout, are finalised
Authors and Acknowledgements
Allows for the acknowledgement of any people/organisations who have contributed to the profile
Author is fixed, and will be displayed below the profile title
Other categories can be controlled by the collection administrator
Options Menu
Show revision history: Displays a history of all changes to the profile
Lock for major revision: By default, all changes are immediately visible to the public as soon as they are saved. If you intend to make significant changes over a period of time, then you can lock the profile for major revision: this creates a separate 'draft' version of the profile for you to work on, while displaying the current state to the public. Your 'draft' changes will be visible to collection administrators, editors and reviewers, but no-one else.
Publish Draft Changes: Once your draft changes are complete, publish them to make them visible to the public.
When DOIs are enabled, you will have the option of creating a snapshot version of the current publics state before publishing the changes.
Discard draft changes: if you decide you do not wish to continue with the draft, then you can discard it - this throws away all the changes, with no way to recover them.
Delete this profile: permanently remove the profile. No recovery.
Archive this profile: sets the profile to an 'archived' state, where is it still accessible via a direct link, but is not included in any search results. This allows a profile to be retained as a reference point when it becomes superseded by another profile (e.g. if a species is split or merged).
Edit Name
Allows the profile name to be changed
Follows the same rules as when creating a new profile
Can remove the matched name
Edit Configuration button on the collection landing page
Allows customisation of the appearance of the collection, and configuration of data resources and the profile pages.
Site Overview
Name and description of the collection. Description is displayed on the collection landing page
Access control
Configure who can do what in the collection
Private Collection: restricts access to the collection to certain users (no public visibility)
Controls the appearance and contact information for the collection
Short Name changes the URL
Copyright statement appears at the bottom of each profile page, and on the generated PDFs
Map configuration
Allows selection of the source of occurrence maps. Most likely to be AVH for Australian collections.
Gives the ability to exclude certain taxonomic levels (e.g. cultivars) from the maps
State floras may wish to change the map centre and zoom level
Keys configuration
Select the KeyBase project that corresponds to your collection. This adds the Identify tab to the collection landing page, and the Key tab to the profile pages
Approved Image Sources
Nominate additional sources of images for your profiles, such as the Australian Plant Image Index. Each collection will have a default image source where uploaded images will be stored.
Approved Specimen/Observation sources
Nominate the source of occurrence records to be displayed on the map. Most likely to be AVH for Australian collections
Approved Lists
Controls the lists which will appear in the Conservation & Sensitivity Lists sections of the profile pages. By default, ANY list containing the profile's name will be displayed.
Status Lists
Nominate list(s) containing species status information (e.g. bio status, weed status, etc) to be displayed in the Status section of the profile pages.
Supporting collections
See below for details
Attribute vocabulary
Allows the collection administrator to control the dynamic section titles on the profile pages
Strict: editors must select from the list of titles (they cannot add their own)
Not strict: editors can select from the list OR add their own
Ordering of the terms controls the order in which the sections are displayed on the profile pages
Mandatory indicator: causes an empty section to be displayed on the profile edit page to prompt the editor to fill it in.
Delete: can only delete a term if it is not being used - if it is being used, you will be prompted for a replacement term.
Authorship and Attribution controls
Enable/disable fine grained attribution. This controls whether the contributor/editor names are displayed against individual attributes on the profile view page
Authors & acknowledgements vocabulary
Similar to Attribute Vocabulary
Allows the collection administrator to upload a CSV file containing glossary terms and descriptions.
About page content
HTML formatted text to display on the about page
Citation instructions
Supporting Collections
Facilitates sharing of information (attributes) between collections
A collection administrator adds a user with the 'Reviewer' role via the Access Control section of the admin page
That user can then see and add comments on any profile page within the collection.
They cannot edit content
All collection administrators and editors also have Reviewer access.