Connection Problem Fix - Atlas-Night-Out/xDrip-plus GitHub Wiki

If you would like to follow these instructions with full video then click image below other wise continue step by step below


  1. Make sure you are up to date on xdrip. You can do this by ** Following the links below ** (Time: 0:43)
    To Download the latest version of Xdrip from a Pc Click Here or go to

    Or if on a Mobile - Go to a web brower on your mobile & Download the latest version of Xdrip and Click Here or go to

  2. First try un-pairing your Bluetooth on mobile if it’s still paired to it.(Time: 0:43)

  1. Then go to your system status in xdrip (Time: 1:08) and forget device and restart the Collector.

    1 2

    3 4

  2. Now Re-boot your mobile. (Time: 1:32)

  3. After re-booting, go back now to your System Status page and swipe left to your Classic Status Page and wait for it to re-pair to your Bluetooth mobile again. This can take a while be patient but stay on the Classic page for it to do the process of connecting to your device. (Time: 1:32)

  1. After re-booting, go back now to your System Status page and swipe left to your Classic Status Page

This can take a while be patient but stay on the Classic page for it to do the process of connecting to your device.

  1. Once connected to your Bluetooth you will need to re-boot again.

Hope this helps and you are successfully back connected again

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️