Compiling and running IntelliPi on Linux x86 x64 (and Raspbian) - AtlantsEmbedded/IntelliPi GitHub Wiki

IntelliPi is pretty cool because it brings EEG signal analysis to the Raspberry Pi, but for development and debugging purpose, building the whole thing, copying to an SD card and SSHing to the Pi is somewhat of a costly overhead.

The good news is that the processes of IntelliPi can be compiled, installed and launched on almost any Linux platform, without any problems. You can then quickly give a first try to intellipi, or develop and test your code on your system, until you are ready to test in the field with the Raspberry Pi. Further, the same loop can be used to run the IntelliPi on Raspbian.

Install and run Braintone

This script does magic for you. It downloads all packages required by the IntelliPi, builds them, copy the shared libraries in place and puts the braintone launch script into your hands.

Open a console and get to the directory where you want to put all your files.

Then type this command to get the script from git-hub:

git clone

Run the script (not as root) to download and build IntelliPi:


Enter your super user password and answer "y" to all questions.

You are now almost ready to launch braintone. You should identify the MAC address of your Muse and set it in the data_interface config file. After it's done make sure your Muse is powered on and start Braintone by typing:

./ start

At this point, you should get a console message confirming that the "hardware is found..." and the application should inform you that the training has started.

Braintone processes are launched without being attached to the console. To stop them, type:

./ stop

Now, as you write this command, it will be cut into pieces by the console output of Braintone, but this doesn't matter. Simply type as if the console output weren't there and the command will be executed properly.

If you get in trouble, you can always start another console and stop Braintone from this one.