A Other Functions - AtjonTV/MySQLm GitHub Wiki

Other Functions

This page only contains some other functions. There are a view which are not documented yet.

  Function: getResult()
  Description: Gives back the last query result. If the last query was NOT a SELECT this either contains TRUE or FALSE depending if the Query succeeded. If the query was a SELECT, this contains its result.
$lastResult = $msql->getResult();

  Function: checkConnection()
  Description: Gives back the current connection status. TRUE for connected and FALSE for disconnected.
$connectionStatus = $msql->checkConnection();

  Function: getLastInternalError()
  Description: Gives back the last occurred error from within MySQLm. These errors contain some usefull information about misconfiguration.
$lastError = $msql->getLastInternalError();

  Function: reconnect()
  Description: Cleans the internal data, disconnects from the server and reopens a fresh connection.